The Eclipsion sword.

"Let's end..." King Raff started, his words were cut short when he noticed Sigrid raising her hand and eagerly gesturing that she wanted to say something.

He really didn't want to hear her out, she was proving to be a troublemaker and a headache, every time she stepped in his castle, she brought mayhem with her.

His unhappy eyes shot duke Thorin and exasperated gaze before he sighed. "What is it crown princess?"

Sigrid pointed at Emmah, "Why was she in the land of mist?" she asked, a playful smile on her face.

The question was not one of any particular importance and the people impatiently waited for Emmah to respond. The smell of roasted meats was already wafting into the castle through the windows and many were starved, having rushed to the royal castle on empty stomachs.

"Surely her business in the land of mist is of no concern to any of us." Lord Givenchy said.