Sigrid could not be more certain that she had picked the best lady-in- waiting, as silly as Mauve was, she was decisive and quite loyal. Her loyalty was already at one hundred and there was no possibility of it ever changing.
"You are crazy." Sigrid chuckled in amusement. She gestured for her maids and knights to let Livia and her people go.
A crying Livia was dropped to the floor and her maids picked her up, while glaring at Sigrid, they rushed to take her away from the Rosewood estate. Livia did not go quietly, she was screaming like a shrew.
"You will pay for this, all of you. We are not done, you hear me, I will get back at all of you for this. My grandfather will demand for all of your heads."
Guests shared nervous looks, some decided to retire earlier than planned from the party, especially the ladies that had slapped Livia. They all wanted to rush home and tell their fathers or grandfathers about what had happened.