It struck Roland then, that his wife was either simply talking crazy or she was absolutely crazy because what she was saying was insane.
"Surely you jest." he said.
Sigrid shrugged, "That's just me, I would ask the people to surrender and if they resisted I would do the needful. What would you do if you were in Karlton's shoes?"
He looked out at the lake, the small ripples danced along at the smooth surface which reflected the moon's glow. The serenity of the lake house and its surroundings made him think that it would be a pity if all this was destroyed just because one man wanted to rule. War was never a good thing, it killed men and destroyed families.
"I would probably give it up, We mages believe in the laws of nature, Karlton's physical disability was a decision made by nature not man. The Silberuss house has prospered for years, they have wealth and power, to want more would be greedy."