If only you were my son.

Sigrid was tired, she had not had more than two hours of sleep before she was rudely awakened and informed that the king wanted to see her immediately. She was given a quick bath by her maids and then delivered to the royal castle.

Her original thought was that she would meet the king inside the castle but she was rather surprised when the herald led her to the glass pavilion beside the moat.

It was quiet inside the pavilion, the king was sitting alone at a table, reviewing documents slowly. His knights and other servants were inside, standing all around in precise positions.

"The crown princess has arrived." The herald announced.

King Raff looked up as Sigrid was led inside, behind her were two maids and knights that were carrying packages whose contents he could not see.

She approached the table and curtsied, "Good morning your highness."

"Sit down." he answered in a gruff voice.