In the grand drawing room, a lot of eyes were diverted at the question. Roland knew then that he was looking at a group of potential liars that were about to deceive him and he decided to strike first.
After slowly licking a spoon of honey, he looked at the duke and smirked. "Your grace, surely you are aware that I have looked into your family," he paused for dramatic effect and then added, "extensively."
"Oh, do tell." The duke picked up a cup of tea and brought it to his lips.
Roland smiled, "From the reports I received, your family does have a lot of chests, I don't think I need to mention what is inside of those chests but I will go ahead and say gold nuggets...." he raised his eyebrows.
Duke Thorin put the cup down and chuckled, "Gold nuggets? Hahaha, your highness, you must be mistaken. We are humble farmers and businessmen, we have gold coins, legal gold coins acquired from various business transactions."