8. Luidic Evanov

"Marquess Mormont? What brings you here?"

Edward smiled with a curt bow of his head, but the two girls couldn't bring themselves to express the same politeness, for having a male inside the Women's Pavilion was uncalled for. His presence was starting to ring multiple bells in Anne's head, fearing what would happen if someone was to see the princess with the Marquess.

"I was on my way to see my sister, Lady Madeline, but as you know, I cannot get inside the Women's Pavilion, and my pompous sister won't leave her tea party anytime soon. So, I had to sneak in." Edward grinned mischievously, making a ghost of a smile appear on Aurora's face, for a part of her was finally glad to see a familiar face. "You mean, Tesarius doesn't knows you are here?"

At the mention of the Emperor, Edward's smile faltered, more so when he realized Aurora had called him by name, and not by his title. Like as if she was familiar with him already. "His Majesty will have my head if he finds out I snuck into his harem, can I expect you to keep this a secret for me, my dearest friend?"

Edward didn't need to ask. He knew exactly the kind of person Aurora was. A princess full of mischief. And when he noticed a grin breaking out on her face as well, he knew he had her word. She wouldn't tell a soul.

"Now that you are here, let us share a cup of tea. The weather today is exceptionally beautiful, wouldn't you agree, My Lord?" Aurora smiled up at the man, slowly moving back towards the table until Edward's words stopped her midway. "I'm afraid I shall have to decline for today. Today is the last day for the families of the Concubines to stay at the Palace. And I shall be leaving soon, so I'm here to give my final goodbye to my sister."

Aurora stopped whatever she was doing, slowly understanding his words. "I see. Does that mean, my brother shall leave too?'

"I believe so, yes."

Throughout her stay at the Palace, Luidic had not come to see her once. He had sent her gifts and essentials he knew she wanted, and sometimes wrote her letters, but had never seen her in person. That was understandable, for Aurora hadn't left the Women's Pavilion in the last three days, safe for the time they'd head out to greet Tesarius.

And now, he was finally leaving, she'd have to see him before he goes.

"I have never been in this place before." Edward begin again, staring at his surroundings before turning back to the girl again. "If it is not a bother, would you be so kind as to help me find my sister?"

Aurora didn't know how to feel about that. It wasn't even long since his sister and the rest of the ladies made a mockery out of her, so going back wasn't really in her mind. However, she didn't want to disappoint Edward, because her main concern wasn't facing the ladies, but what Edward had actually proposed.

"You mean, you wish to prance around the Women's pavilion in search of your sister? Especially inside the Emperor's harem?" Her eyes were wide like balls, making Edward giggle sheepishly. "Well, if you put it that way…"

"My Lord, it is dangerous."

"Yes, I'm aware. I apologize for asking you for such a fav-"

"Well, come along. I know where your Lady Madeline is so it shan't take long to find her."

Edward stared at the departing woman with shocked eyes, taking a whole minute to regain his composure as he followed behind. "Surely you don't mean to help me in this? It could end badly for you-"

"The harem already thinks badly of me, this won't change a thing." Even when she said it dismissively, it hurt a inside to realize she was hated by people for things she didn't do, and was assumed to be a liar.

Edward wondered what she meant by that, walking cautiously beside her as they made their way out of the gazebo and the lake. "You mean… the Concubines… are hostile to you?"

Aurora shrugged, not really into the conversation as she hopped her way across the path to get to Velarys Dome. "Something like that."

"Even… my sister?"


Aurora made no intention to reply, not wanting to accuse the Lady for things she wasn't sure yet. True, Lady Madeline had accused her of being a liar and made it seem like it was a curse for her brother to be acquainted with Aurora. But that was today, and she couldn't jump to any conclusions as of yet. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Edward by starting unwanted quarrels.

And it seemed like Edward understood that, for soon he was clearing his throat and looking away, searching for something else to talk about. Until he remembered.

"That reminds me, have you ever met His Majesty before, Your Highness?"

At the mention of Tesarius, Aurora's face lit up, as if they weren't just discussing her reputation at the Velarys Dome a moment ago. She smiled ever so sweetly, making Edward stare at her. "Oh, yes! I have. We have met each other before."

Edward knew it. He knew because Tesarius said so himself. They knew each other from before.

But the excitement Aurora was showing was nothing compared to the monotone reply of Tesarius. Which only made him believe there was more to this relationship that he knew.

And he would find out what.

"How did His Majesty and Your Hi-"


"Oh, there she is." Aurora said, just at the same moment Madeline had noticed them herself, eyes wide in horror to find her brother inside the Women's Pavilion.

Edward's face broke into a grin, forgetting about the matter he was discussing as he stalked towards his sister with open arms. "Sister! It is so good to see yo- aw! Aw aw aw! Hey!"

Aurora watched the scene unfold, stunned to her spot as Madeline begin hitting her brother mercilessly, while the larger man whined and tried to get away from the girl who looked furious. He had no idea why she was being this way.

"Maddy! Maddy, wait! What is wrong!? Why do you hit me so!?"

"Did you really ask me that!?" Madeline hissed, eyes glaring bloody murder at her brother she finally stopped her assault on him. "What on earth are you doing in here!?"

Edward smiled nervously, rubbing his nape as he prepared to answer her. But Madeline had noticed Aurora standing, her eyes widening even more with anger. "And what on earth is she doing here? Did she bring you in? to prove herself!?"

Edward had no idea what his sister meant by her last sentence, but he had no time to dwell on it for long, because he already had a lot of explaining to do. Slowly, he began. "Calm down, sister mine. Let me explain. I was on my way to see you since today is the last day for the Concubines to be in the company of any other man, but you wouldn't come out to see me. So I had to find other means, and then I remembered the lake that connected all the Palace's together."

"So," Madeline begin, sounding madder than before. "you used the lake route… to sneak into the Women's Pavilion?"



Edward jumped back in fright, not expecting to be yelled at again. But he should have known. If word about this was to get to the other concubines, Madeline will never be able to show her face.

And that was what worried her the most. Running her fingers through her hairs, she muttered. "Thank the Heavens the tea party came to an end, else everyone else would have seen. Did anyone see you? On your way here?"

"No, the whole place was vacant." Edward assured her quickly, grabbing her by the shoulders to calm her. "Take a breath, sister mine. Thanks to my old friend here, I came in as quietly as a mouse! No one saw me!"

Slowly, Madeline registered her brothers' words, realizing now who this 'old friend' is.

Her eyes fell on Aurora, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as if recalling all that she said to her. Accusing her of lying. Yet her pride would not let her admit that she was wrong. Even when her brother claimed to know her.

"Remember Princess Aurora? You used to see her often because we studied together, Aurora and I. Remember?"

Incase many of you didn't know, this was it. Edward and Aurora had been friends as classmates before Luidic was even betrothed to Lady Rowanda. They had studied at the Crownspire Academy for Nobles in Rovamer, where the late Marquess had also sent his son since the Academy was well-known among the whole Empire. If there was one thing Aurora excelled the most at, it was Arithmetic.

"I do not recall." Was Madeline's stiff reply as she looked away from her, wanting this matter to end. Unlike Aurora, the rest of the Ladies had studied in etiquette schools for girls, and while Aurora had done so, she was a head ache for the ladies over there, as much as she was a beloved pupil for the Arithmetic professors.

Aurora lowered her eyes, knowing that she would not get an apology, which she had already expected. For none of it mattered to her. All that mattered to her was that Tesarius liked her, and that was enough.

"Come, brother." Madeline said, gently placing a hand on her brethren's arm. "Let us have some tea. Out of the Women's Pavilion. If His Majesty were to see you-"

"My Lord! Someone's coming." Aurora suddenly whisper yelled, sending the two siblings in a frenzy.

"W-What!? What do you mean!? A-Are you sure? Or are you trying to set me up because of-"

"There is no time!" Aurora all but yelled at Madeline, nudging the two inside the glass house where the tea party was held not long ago. "Hide! Now!"

Sure enough, there was a female knight making her way towards them, or more like towards Aurora. Lord only knew what would happen if she spotted the Marquess inside.

"Lady Aurora." The knight approached the jumpy girl, offering a curt bow. "Prince Luidic of Rovamer has asked for an audience with you, My Lady."

Luidic… wants to see me?

Thank the heavens! I was wondering how I'd say him goodbye.

"Of course!" Aurora all but squealed, startling the female knight. Lead the way!"

So excited to see her brother after days, the fact that Edward and his sister were still hiding inside the glass house was long gone from her mind, and it was only when Anne had whispered inside that the knight was gone did the two release a sigh of relief. But Aurora? The girl was long gone.



The voice of his little sister had brought a shine to Luidic's eyes, and just as he turned around to greet her, delicate arms had wrapped around his neck as the weight of a girl fell on him, knocking the break out of his lungs.

"Aurora!" Luididc didn't need to see her face to know who it was. Her almond blossom scent was strong, and he was content to know that despite her change in wardrobe and hairdo from Rovamerian to Lanterburian, at least something about her was still the same.

But he needn't worry anyway. Aurora would always be his little sister, in flesh and in character. Nothing could change that.

"Luidic…" Aurora trailed off, closing her eyes as she snuggled into the hug, while Luidic chuckled at her childishness. "There now, My Lady. That is not very becoming of the Emperor's Concubine."

As if only realizing this now, Aurora jolted up, jumping away from her brother in the speed of lightning as she fixed her dress of any creases and cleared her throat. Then she placed her hands over her belly in a lady like fashion with her chin up and lips in a straight line. All the while, Luidic held himself from bursting into laughter, wondering what had caused his clumsy sister to bring in such a massive change.

Because the last time he checked, she hated the idea of becoming the Emperor's concubine. But then he had seen the excitement on her face on her first day at Lanterbur. Although he had not spoken to her nor received any letters in return, he had seen her giddiness to be in the palace that day and couldn't help but think if she was actually happy to be here after all.

"How are you faring in the Lanterbur soil, Lady Aurora?" Luidic asked with a playful smirk, only to earn a smack from the said girl. "Their now, Prince Luidic. One might say we are hardly acquainted if we were to continue this farce."

"Then why play along?" Luidic finally burst into laughter, which made Aurora smile in contentment. After so long, she was finally feeling herself, rather than having to pretend otherwise. Luidic's laughter subsided, before he asked again. "But in all seriousness, sister, how are you doing here?"

It was clear that the prince was concerned. He remembered how Aurora had left in the royal carriage without more than glance to their father for forcing her into this. He had seen her glum expression all through the ride as he escorted her. But then he had seen her smile at the sight of the Emperor, which baffled him to the core. And then three days went to pass and she never reached out to him although he was in the Lanterbur palace. He didn't know why, but all he could assume was Aurora was enchanted by the young Emperor's youthful beauty, given Aurora was attracted to pretty things.

And judging by the shy smile on her face, he knew he must be right. "Aurora?"

"It's… not as bad as I thought it would be." Aurora slowly admitted, tugging a stray hair in the back of her ear. Her actions only made Luidic raise a questioning eyebrow. "I think I might start to like it here."

"A-Are you sure? You mean to tell me you do not wish for us to ask the Emperor to let you go once we vanquish the rebellion?"


Aurora's outburst had Luidic flinching back, not of fear but shock to see how readily she had declined it, while he clearly remembered Celia crying her heart about how Aurora had begged her to get her out of Lanterbur once the rebellion is destroyed. Was she exaggerating?

"I-I mean…" Aurora composed herself again, a flush appearing on her cheeks. "I am now a concubine of the Liege Emperor. It is unbecoming of my character to leave like this."

"But you wanted to-"

"That was my childish self talking." Aurora dismissed Luidic's concern with a wave of her hands and a grin on her face. "I shall do just fine."

Luiddic didn't know what to make of this. One way he was uncertain of Aurora's sudden change of heart, while on the other hand he was brought to tears at the sight of his little sister all grown up. Although his marriage to Lady Rowanda and Celia's marriage to the Duke was completely political, at least they had their spouses to themselves. But the same could not be told about Aurora. She who fantasized the most over finding love was forced to be with a man she is bound to share with six other women.

He did not like it. None of them did. But they did what they had to to keep Aurora safe from the vultures out for their blood. If there's anywhere Aurora is safe, it is beside the feared Emperor of the Empire.

But little did they know…

"You don't have to say this if you don't mean it." Luidic suddenly said, surprising the girl. "One day, we will bring you back. We won't let you sacrifice your love for too long. Just wait a little longer, sister, and we shall request His Majesty to let you go as a reward for our deeds. And then you shall be reunited with your lover, whoever he may be."

Aurora had the strongest urge to tell her brother that her supposed lover was the Emperor himself, but she knew it was pointless. So, she merely nodded and smiled, knowing full well that when the time would come, Tesarius won't let her go either way.

The two siblings continued to chat on, knowing full well that their time together would soon be coming to an end. They shared and talked about everything and anything, strolling around the lush gardens of the palace. But all the merriness came to a standstill the moment their paths crossed with four other women.

And those being none other than the concubines.

"If it isn't our last concubine."

The words were out of Jenivive's mouth before Aurora could even inform Luididc about the women coming their way, making the two stop midway. While Aurora was frozen to her spot, Luidic, on the other hand, knitted his eyebrows in confusion. His confusion only seemed to grow when he heard his sisters voice, suddenly very hushed and cautious.

"L-Lady Jenivive." Aurora offered a curt node, not that it was accepted by any. This only seemed to offer Luidic a clear view of what was going on in here.

Laira took a bold step forward, sizing Luidic from head to toe before a smirk formed on her lips as she twirled a curl in her fingers. "And who could this gentleman beside you be? Oh! Surely, you did not snatch one from around the Palace to spite us, did you, Lady Aurora?"

Laira snickered, but once again none of the ladies indulged in it. It was clear they were equally curious about Luidic, but would not give into the snarky remarks of the daughter of a Baron. Hanna scrutinized Luidic, as if she had seen him somewhere. But just as the bell rang in her head, and realization set in with horror evident on her face, Luidic had stepped forward, ready to answer the pompous girl.

"My Name is Luidic Evanov, Crown Prince of Rovamer and Princess Aurora's older brother."

The smile had vanished from Laira's face as quickly as it had come, forcing her to stumble backwards especially when Luidic offered a curt bow, his face void of any emotions. Jenivive stuttered, Hanna looked away, while Amalia watched Luidic with an attentive gaze. And it was her that broke the silence first.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Luidic. We have heard a lot about you back in the Kingdom of Andrasia."

"And you are?"

Luidic's blunt question had Amalia's smile faltering, yet she stayed her ground, swallowing the shame unlike Laira who was now hiding behind Hanna. "I'm Princess Amalia Henning. Fifth Concubine to Emperor Tesarius and the first daughter of King Drillis."

Even if Luidic had asked her who she was, he had no intention of remembering it. He didn't care who she was. Who any of them were. Because he was still thinking about what Laira just said. Luidic wanted to inquire further, but it seemed like Jenivive had regained her composure, and with her arms crossed over her chest, she stared at Luidic confidently.

"How do we know you are the real Crown Prince and not some man Lady Aurora dragged in here?"

Her words were venomous, so much that not only Aurora, but the rest of the Concubines were starting to distance themselves from Jenivive, not wanting to be a part of whatever is going to go down. They believed that no matter how low Aurora was in the system, her brother was the next ruler of a Kingdom, and they were mere concubines the Emperor could toss away anytime.

But there was one thing Jenivive knew that the others didn't, thanks to her position as the Duke's daughter.

Emperor Tesarius hates the Kingdom of Rovamer. Or at least the Royal family.

So she was confident in her snarky remarks, expecting full well for Luidic to explode in anger like Prince do and create a scene, but all the young man did was laugh.

Luidic laughed. Because it all felt to hilarious to him.

"Worry not, My Lady." He began, once his laughter had subsided and was replaced with a glint in his eyes, that only made Jenivive loosen her arms over her chest in fear. "I can assure you, I am very much the prince, and a human. Unlike some snakes, that cloak themselves in the skins of humans and hide their venomous fangs behind their pretty smiles."

Aurora could not believe what her brother just said. Nor could Jenivive. Because now the girl was furious. "YOU-"

"Your Highness!"

The voice of Edward calling out to Luidic had them all stopping whatever they were up to, just as the man briskly walked towards them, a smile adorning his face at the sight of his brother in law. "Prince Luidic."

Edward offered a curt bow, with Madeline trailing behind him and doing the same, but Luidic's attention was on the four ladies, a smirk on his lips as Jenivive finally learnt her lesson.

Then he turned to Edward, giving a curt nod in return. "Marquess Mormont. Long time no see."