21. Ignorance Is Bliss

A couple more days passed in the palace of Lanterbur, and as it did so, Aurora found herself getting habituated more and more by the day. She was finally used to the difference in the meals, in the clothing, and even the seasons. For the air in Lanterbur was strangely different than that of Rovamer.

News about the masked Concubine spread like wildfire all across the Empire, starting with Leut, the capital of Lanterbur. The nobles present at the court that day had made it a hot gossip during their gambling escapades, and then the word reached the wives of the said nobles, and soon the matter had become a topic of discussion at tea parties.

Thanks to Tesarius's little game, Aurora was the official jester of the Empire, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Not when the Emperor himself had done it.

And Aurora? She couldn't care any less.