The double doors to the Dowager's parlor were pushed open, and in walked Aurora with her hands fidgeting with the hem of her sleeves. She took wuick glances of the room, noticing all the attendees of the Dowager were scatterd around, while the Lady of the house sat at the far end of the room, like as if she was on her throne.
Aurora had met her like this before as well, but strangely, she didn't notice the difference then. Because for some reason, it seemed like the parlor was decorated like… a throne room.
Like this was her throne.
"Greetings to you, Your Highness." Aurora offered a stiff curtsey, slowly lifting her masked face up to look at the lady with a soft smile. "How have you been?"
Despite the strangeness of the room, Aurora chose to push it in the back of her mind, not wanting to doubt the only few people that actually liked her in the Palace.