Gart tried to keep up with his masters pace as the said man stormed towards the Women's Pavilion without stopping to catch a break. Gart's protests to slow down and calm down fell to deaf ears, as Tesarius made his way towards the Rose Palace, where he was greeted by Mertyll.
"Where is she?"
Tesarius cut to the chase before Mertyll could even greet him, making her glance behind her. "She is asleep. Resting now. I shall tell her Your Maj-"
"Your Majesty!"
Mertyll's words remained hanging in the air, and Garts protests once again went unnoticed as Tesarius briskly walked deeper inside the Palace before he pulled open the doors leading to Sera's bed chamber.
Sure enough, there she was, under a pile of sheets deep in slumber.
Slowly but surely, Tesarius crept deeper into the room, the bed dipping slightly at his weight as he gently placed himself beside her. Silently, he watched her sleep, his fingers slowly coming up to caress her hairs.