Diana Moriarty, the first female heir of the Moriarty family, is raised to outwit and surpass the Holmes family. With unmatched intellect and cunning, she becomes the first Moriarty to defeat a Holmes, changing the course of their century-old rivalry.
I really like how this novel is turning out to be! As a big fan of the Holmes-Moriarty rivalry, it feels refreshing to have a female figure in it. I also like how the author integrates the story with science (especially in the first chapter with the autocombustion of the silo) and the way they describe the antagonist, Diana, which has kept me eager to know more about her. I'll continue to look forward reading this story, keep the good work up!
i have the feeling the author is writing just for fun because the updates are not very stable. the writing style is a bit hard to follow, but at some point you get used to it. maybe adding more interactions between the characters will keep the readers more engaged
the author's a bit slow with updating, please publish more chapters. overall it's a great story. the pacing a bit slow, but that could be understable if the author's planning to make a long novel. yet, worth it.