Eline Wu, an energetic and enthusiastic woman, joins a renowned gaming company to achieve her dreams of becoming a game developer. In her first day, she meets a cold and charming colleague, Ru Bing, in an elevator incident.
Soon after that incident, Eline Wu starts to have vivid dreams and dejavu's that reveals a shocking truth, she and Ru Bing have loved, lived and lost each other in three past lives, each time betrayed and killed by their trusted ones.
In their fourth life, Eline Wu slowly starts to remember her previous lives, each memory revealing that someone from their shared past lives is intended to kill them again for the fourth time. As she remembers everything, she starts to doubt everyone around her, unaware who to trust- even her closest ones.
As the pieces fall into place, Eline and Ru Bing must work together to uncover who is determined to end their story this time and find a way to break the cycle—before history repeats itself.
This novel contains four different story lines, three past and one present lives.
Past-1: This story takes place in historical era of Qing Dynasty.
Past-2: This story takes place in Japanese war period.
Past-3: This story takes place 20 years after Japanese war period.
Present: This story takes place in modern era (2025).