When he died he expected to be embraced by his Lord and his passed family members in paradise. Instead, it seems the Almighty has other plans for him.
Stranded in a new world, Gideon is given a mission, a mission to spread the word of his Lord to these people who do not know of Him.
Although I am religious I am writing this purely for fun, I do not want to cause any religious arguments in the comments or reviews. If you are not a fan of Christianity in general, then do not read.
Also, the upload schedule is most likely one chapter every few days, each one being between 2000-3000 words. Enjoy.
Upload schedule is every three days, between 7-9 PM Eastern time. This is a no-harem, which I am sure is obvious based on Christianity's forbiddance of polygamy. It is rather slow-paced, I have a timeline written out and this book will most likely be between 3-400 chapters when completed. If slow-paced novels are not your thing, then I would not recommend reading this story. Finally, I am putting this review here because who doesn't want another 5-star review, (I am very thankful for the reviews by the way!) If anyone has questions, feel free to respond to this review and I will do my best to address them.
Well this story have a fresh idea, i don't think i see another game of throne fanfic with MC a Holly knight of God and i hope MC not bow or knee to lord of the realme or the king of Westeros and i have suggest i think MC Will better build another "Vatican" or "Papal State" or Religious country/Land in Westeros and that Country/Land are independent same as Vatican in real world
This story is the first I’ve ever read in this style and path wise. It’s fresh and has been one I’ve been looking for in a story. As a man raised reading the Bible and trying to understand its meaning and message I find this story very intriguing. It’s giving me motivation to go back and truly understand its messages and meaning so I thank you for that, all in all I feel this is going to be a great story
Reveal Spoiler
this is one of the best fanfics ive read hope you carry on writing this
I loved the story, it has a very original premise and also touches on a very delicate subject such as religion and takes the most delicate religion in this sense the Christian, which has been branded by many people as a business rather than a place of holiness and faith. This story takes place in a world ruled by kingdoms in medieval times, where religions but the Catholic-Christian took its greatest strength and where he did more "atrocities", and the author takes the world of Game of Thrones a place marked by the religion of the Seven, which is very marked in Game of Thrones. My recommendation, the story is very good, let's hope it continues like this, 5 stars for this story, THANK YOU.
A good story that combines Christianity with the world of Game of Thrones, and the good thing is that it does not alter any plot (in an exceptional way) but rather adapts and creates a new path where it does not impose its beliefs but shares them.
Gostei muito🇧🇷 Sou brasileiro Gostei muito desse fanfic espero que continue só esses três capítulos já tá sendo um dos melhores fanfic de game of thrones que já li Então espero que continue mn
Really like it so far, the writing is incredible. Much better than the rest of this site Might be a little early to say but this is turning out great so far
Looks great so far .. .................................................................................................................................
This is a masterpiece, pure and simple. I'm a fast reader so i was able to read this just now and i gotta say, this is incredible. The author got me tearing up at some points, and the characters just feel so real, so alive. Thank you for posting this, brother, my prayers to you and your family. PS: Pls don't drop this!
So far it’s amazing. Keeping up the good work.
I have never read a book nor a fanfic that has ever given me goosebumps until today. The grammars clean, the story is enriching, the Author has true heartfelt knowledge and an obvious passion about what they're writing. Webnovel is kicking 2025 off hard with a story like this. Well done, Author.
the main character, as one would call him is naturally charasmatic, i do not know is it my inherent fascination with the tales and scriptures of te olde, but this is a fascinating story, with no violence by now! that is surprising in a game of thrones story by its own. this has reignited my hunger for reading the bible, because i like the stories it has to tell, previously i discarded this idea because teachings without some story disinterest me, but maybe i was wrong to mark it just holy scripture with no story.... well anyways the story is a good one,