Chapter 13

Rose has being in freeze room for two days, no food no water. Same process of pouring her water continued every 4 hours Her hand had truned blue, legs sticking to the floor. She was beinging to loose her consciousness, things were blury, she tried to stay awake but her eyes were already giving up then she blacked out.

Lucas had being watching Rose, he wanted to make sure she was okay, as in, not sexually abused. He didn't trust his men that they won't try to touch her. As he watched everything unfold he felt a pang in his heart. He didn't want this, but he had to do it.

As he watched her suddenly collapse he immediately got up, sending his men to bring her out.

"Send her to my room, call a doctor to attend to her injury" he said walking to his room. Due to her collapsing the arm which had stuck to wall got cut.

Rose woke up to light touch's from someone. She opened her eyes but the bright sunlight affected her making her to close it, with small blinks she was able to adjust to it.

"You're awake"

She looked up at whom the voice was coming from, it was the elderly woman who brings her food.

"Am..." she was perplexed. She thought by now she would be dead.

"No dear... you're fine" her voice was soft

"How? I thought he was going to leave me there to die"

"Boss ordered for your release when you fainted. He was even the one that nurtured you back to health"

"That's a lie, a monster like him wouldn't do such a thing"

"Mind your words, Miss Rose. The walls have ears"

She rolled her eyes

"Ma, i have told you to call me by my name, it's weird"

"You are the Boss's wife I can't call you by your name"

"Wait.... We aren't married"

"Everyone in this mansion knows you as Boss's wife"

Rise face plamed herself and hissed

"Would you like to eat now or take your bath, you have being sleeping for 3day"


"Yes" she nods her head in confirmation. She got up and went to the bathroom to prepare her bath.

Rose laid back think of what the woman had said

"He nurtured u" it kept playing in her head

'That can't be true' she thought

"May be she is just trying to make him look good in her eyes, besides if he really cared where is he right now"

The door opened revealing the devil she just finished talking about.

"Get dressed" came his order


"Don't ask questions"