Darren leaned against the kitchen counter, phone pressed to his ear. For a moment, he wondered how Alison had gotten his number.
He hoped that she didn't go searching about him and got his number from Lily.
But that was impossible, he got a new line some weeks ago.
Right. He remembered now. When they had gone on that impromptu ice cream date, they had exchanged numbers. Honestly, he had almost forgotten about it.
He had forgotten about mostly everything that happened that day. Except being hit on countless times by college girls.
"Hello," he said, his tone neutral.
"Hey Darren. How are you?" She asked, her voice light and casual. "It's Alison."
"I know," he said. "I have your number saved."
He understood that she might have been nervous or insecure about that. Maybe she had thought he didn't care at all to save her number.
Darren wasn't that heartless.
"I'm good anyway. How are you?"