Darren leaned against the kitchen counter, phone pressed to his ear as he listened to Rico's familiar voice.
"How you been, man?" Rico asked.
"I'm good. Still breathing," Darren replied. "Honestly man, it's been forever. You're calling my old cell right now. I've changed it to a new one, I'll send it to you later."
"Alright. Hey, is that really you? Your voice sounds kinda... deeper."
Darren chuckled. "I guess it's been that long, huh? You know, I actually swung by looking for you once at DataForge, but you weren't there."
Rico paused. "DataForge? Why would you go looking for me there? I mean, I know the place."
'Ehhhhhh?!!! Shit.'
Darren facepalmed. Right. He got the timeline wrong again. Rico hadn't started working at DataForge yet. He needed to be more careful about these slips.
They continued catching up, exchanging small talk about life and old times. Then Rico shifted gears.
"You still living on Malegreen Street?"