Smithers' Scandal

Brooklyn leaned back slightly, crossing one leg over the other as she studied Darren with sharp, calculating eyes.

She was a reporter. She'd spoken to many people so it was easy not to take offense to somethings, but that one stung.

"I do what I do for my job. There's basically no risk I wouldn't take for a good story."

Darren exhaled through his nose. "And that's exactly the problem with you journalists."

Brooklyn tilted her head. "You don't like journalists?"

"It's not that I don't like you," he said, his voice flat. "I just know exactly what your kind does. Nothing you won't do for a good story. That also includes lying and manipulating. For you people, truth means nothing when a headline is at stake."

Brooklyn smirked. "You wound me."

Darren said nothing, waiting for her to get to the point. But she wasn't done poking around just yet.