The door opened and closed in a hurry. Gareth Smithers stepped out of the lavish office and rested his back on the door.
He exhaled, long and deep, his shoulders loosening slightly. He had always been fearful of meetings with Richard Morrison, the man's aura was really terrifying.
But at least Morrison had given his word. This mess would go away.
He sneered.
'Those bastards think they could tarnish my career.'
The thought fueled his irritation. A bunch of disgruntled nobodies trying to pull him down? He had built Smithers Group into a financial juggernaut, an investment advisory firm that managed billions in capital, oversaw high-profile investment trends, and safeguarded financial transactions for the elite.
His reputation was everything, and he wasn't about to let it be destroyed by insufferable, meddling kids with their naïve sense of justice.
This was going to go away. Nothing would happen to him. He reminded himself.