Izime Gets Spotted Twice

Kicking his feet lazily against the side of the water tank that was his seat Izime rubbed at his chest while he watched the feed from Cradle. Still working off some of the effects of last night's dreams as he tried to take it a bit easier.



Quietly reminding himself that it wasn't like the bird was doing all the work, he had done the heavy lifting today. Snapping those tanks of toxin out had been the biggest haul in months and well worth the risk of sticking around now. The ensuing chaos should make it easier for Cradle to traverse the lower levels and showing up before the action had really kicked off had ensured they'd optimized their haul.



No concerns about the goons below, what was a bullet to Cradle but a slightly faster snack? Well there were a bit like a flying turd according to the bird, the cheap copper jacket and soft lead was apparently a terrible tasting thing.



"Biggest haul in Voltham yet," Izime patted himself on the back while he watched the two heroes. His vision enhanced well enough to clearly see the folds in Stupid Purples cape as long as there was nothing in the way, here we go!"



What even was the use of her cape, show maybe? Izime pondered the thessian's silver suit for a moment while Cradle got shot at. Dark Night used his as an emergency glider, and Dark Scout preferred a collapsible variant so he only appeared cape-less. Was there some rule that demanded a cape if you were an X type hero or what? They each were horrible litterers with their grappling hooks so maybe that was a part of it. Though Psyis didn't even use gadgets, only her pure alien abilities so that didn't work either.



Izime kept kicking around in his ponderings, waiting for the two to leave so he could get the one Dark Squire had used to get onto the roof. Psyis could fly, so what was it? Looks, personal preference, symbology? That suit too, silver and white felt like a cop-out color scheme. Wasn't there some kind of color changing fabric that could match her reactionary skin?



Izime stopped his thoughts as he sent his own update to his much more mobile and metal hungry friend who was down below removing the pumps. Izime felt his smile pushing at the edges of his gas mask as Cradles excitement reached him through the bond. A screen displaying in his vision through either brain trickery or eye-nanites showing Cradles beak working at a shoddy welding job.

We've got two heroes now.  

 Money? Money?

Yea its money money Cradle!

How much longer on those pumps?

 Fast! Fast!



The view flicking quickly through a series of pipes to close together for Cradle to actually fly through. The bird probably changing to its clouded for as it landed next to another pump. Beak and talon reappearing to quickly chipping the heat treated steel as it removed another high flow pump. The view quickly switching as Cradles head turned upwards with a snap as if it had been distracted by something.

 Stupid Purple!

Y..yea she is here why?

Are you scanning topside?

 Pets Pets! Below!



Izime narrowed his eyes as he glanced back up and across the facility at the psychic. Cradles words implied that it had been located somehow by the alien or was close to it. His bond relaying the constant pulses that were tickling at even its down. Izime catching a view of Dark Squire just as he did an excessively showy back flip off the roof, wasting another grapple that would likely never see the right hands.



Not that he cared, Izime had bigger issues if Dark Squires movements were in any relation to Cradles accusation of 'pets'. If it was just Dark Squire then the guy was sadly way out of his league against Cradle. It would be a no-contest as Cradle happily collected his Dark-a-rangs and other goodies.



The real problem was the psychic that had somehow been alerted to their presence. There was no reason for her to play Depth Commander unless she suspected something and Izime knew who the only unknown on the field was. Cradle was damned near flawless and there was hardly a signal or creature here it wasn't aware of. Izime trusted his gut and trusted Cradles abilities, if he said the psychic was petting it then the gig was up.



If Miss Psyis could track Cradle that opened up an entire can of big fucking worms and threw it on his plans in Voltham not to mention Centropolis. If she could actually somehow restrain his bond, that would mean an confrontation, possibly hostile and there went every Christmas not just this one. A fight was something he certainly didn't want with the mind-reader. Izime scooching back from the edge of the tank and standing preparing to take action.



Pausing for half a second as he looked back across the way, just in time to see Stupid Purple striking a springing pose in his direction. Izime's heart stopping as two red eyes locked onto his own teals.



"Nope." Izime eyes widened, a bit surprised at the snort of fear that had come out. He snapped out of the alien's line of sight amd immediately reappearing down below in the mix of the chaos.



Fuck being in any clear line of sight of that absolute powerhouse, Izime breathed a bit easier even knowing the toxic fumes were coming. He had less than zero interest in getting super-tackled so hard it had to be measured in AU's . The confines of the system of pipes and levels of scaffolding made a much safer place at the moment. At least here the pipes would hopefully catch a speeding bullet or flying psychic before they caught him.



Izime letting out a low humming whistle to summon Cradle to his side. It was safer but he'd rather be in top form, especially after seeing the biggest hitter here tonight line up on him. That meant as much awareness as possible seeing as he wasn't nearly as physically capable. Watching through the pipes as sparks from ricochets followed his bond, the bullets themselves useless on the bird. Only an acceptable snack if they were cored with heavy rare metals like tungsten or depleted uranium.



Raising his arm as Cradle slipped through the last few pipes, landing on his arm before snapping again. A level lower. Snapping again and another level lower, snapping again to a scaffold a row of tanks over. Finally finding a decent starting point he directed his bond to beginning feeding information through the connected line they had just cleared. No longer flushed with junk emotions and idle brain chatter, now filling with locations, distances, and schematics.

Bring up all the pump locations.

As well as villains and goons.

 Spots and Dots!

Damn straight, time to earn that cash!

  Work! Money! Eat!



Izime mentally moved the mini map that Cradle connected him to, dragging it with his mind out of his main field of vision. Taking stock of all the red dots that indicated the goons and the single skull that was roaming around further below. The map tilting to display the levels individually, the goons working their way down while FearForm was working his way up. Finally, a second red skull appearing as the map reached far enough to display The Quiz topside.



"At least I can't throw up anymore." Izime shrugged bending over to snag the compact high-flow pump that was laying on the scaffolding next to him while looking below.



The thick billowing clouds of fear toxin were creating a dense haze that was slowly climbing its way upwards. Izime almost able to make out the incoherent enraged roars of FearForm as he discovered the damaged pumps one by one. Condensing into a rusty taint as it rose into the chill November air, leaving streaks running down the primer-ed tanks.



"Track Stupid Purple, if she moves to come down here, we are leaving." Izime directed his bond before giving Cradle a flick to send it off. A single blue shield appearing on the scan, the mapping fully enabled it was time for them to get to business.



Jumping over the side of the scaffolding, giving a snap and disappearing in a shower of sparks as Cradle went scout further. Izime let the air pass him for a moment as he reappeared falling mid air, locking onto a nearby gangway of metal grating that would take him to another pump.



Another snap saw him bracing and snapping, grabbing the edge of his coat so he didn't land on it. Landing with a thud Izime let go of his coat now sure that the friction-less material was well out of the way. Rolling to his feet he started running down the gangway, constantly keeping a mental note of the closest dots on the map.



His rapid breathing slowly fogging his mask, making a bit difficult to see, fumbling a bit as added two more pumps to his pants pockets. The tiny things were powerful and would be perfect for reselling on the spaceship market. The little bastards could easily supply fuel, coolant, or whatever have you to pump. Their size and reliability certainly beat out their competitors on the market as well. It was easy money, but the risks were certainly climbing. Looking across the way and down another level Izime saw a goon trying to steal some of his loot, reaching to pick up one of the pumps.



A snap and a shove later the goon was sent tumbling over the safety rail, Izime not bothered to be disturbed but the sound it made when the man's body collided with the side of a filtration unit below. Grabbing the pump while he glanced down and watched the puddle of red grow bigger, he'd been there it'd sucked.



"Fucking ass, hands off our loot." Izime felt the smile he had vanish even as another pump found its way into his pants pocket. The dots were beginning to cluster and organize, much faster than he had originally planned for. The Quiz's gang of Students were obviously much better trained than your usual run of the mill hench.



There were plenty more to go but Izime wasn't going to risk going into the real fight or any of the clusters of dots waiting to the side. FearForm had apparently found Dark Squire and the two were settling their issues below. The red skull having not moved far from where it had dropped down, at least Stupid Purple had enough sense to stay topside and call for back-up.



Unfortunately, so had The Quiz and the villains had been faster. Izime checking the other red skull on his mini map; the one that wasn't The Quiz topside or FearForm below. A bit of sweat dripping down his neck as he recalled his earlier plans on just how he would escape the synth-roid addicted wrestler Crusher. Izime really, really hoping he could snap his fingers faster than crusher could snap his spine if it came down to it.



Izime shook his head clearing it of those silly thoughts about self-preservation, maybe that fear toxin was getting to him a little bit. What was death but another wasted trip for him. It hadn't worked the first time because of some science fucketry, the second time Cradle had saved him. What would it be like to finally just die? Though he'd been bamboozled twice now so he wasn't very excited about his third time around, it was pretty hard to kill what he was after all.



The yellow coat billowed out a bit as Izime strode forward, no longer bothering with processing things like fear. More attention being paid to the cluster of pumps Cradle had made for him to collect while he had been snagging the stragglers. That lack of attention costing Izime dearly on his next snap. Quickly making a note to have Cradle highlight all the heroes on the map.



Izime's spell dropping him directly behind Dark Squire who was mid-recovery from being thrown up three levels by FearForm. No longer below throwing down with the fear powered villain. The biggest tell being the massive dent in the side of the water tank above the two, the distance reached through FearForm's suits assistance. Izime flowing with Dark Squires expected response at having an unknown assailant pop up unexpectedly, he rolled with the hit.



Steven couldn't hear much besides his ears ringing, the only sign that something was there being the cascade of sparks. Twisting his core as he leapt back to his feet Steven only saw a yellow coat and the cylinder of a mask filter before he sent a kick at the henchman. Fully expecting to feel the contact of a solid midsection kick and the grunt of a goon flying.



The satisfying sound of another goon going down didn't come, Dark Squires eyes going wide as his kick slid uselessly and almost painfully off their midsection. Dark Squire's ankle twisting oddly as the force was misplaced. The only effect to his target was the kick spinning them to the side, delivering a bit of redirected momentum but no other force. Watching as that yellow coated figure rolled with the kick and right off the side of the scaffold. Disappearing in another shower of sparks before it had even fallen a full foot, those foggy lenses still locked onto Dark Squires hidden glowing eyes.



Izime grunted as he landed on his stomach, a few levels down and a bit further back where another pump had been earlier. Taking the unexpected kick and letting Thorns friction-less textiles redirect it. The main impact redirected, Izime had cheated good half of newton's laws, but it'd still spun him with all the force Dark Squire had put behind it. Taking the tumble and snapping back had been the safe bet.



Now Izime was back a good way, irritated but safe and only a bit sore. The problem now was Dark Squire was basically right on top of the pumps he wanted. Hearing his bond Izime recalled the thought he'd had earlier about marking all the heroes properly on the map. Between his human brain a previous abilities and Cradles own advanced functions they'd almost make a decent functional A.I., almost.

  Owie? Hurt?

Just an owie Cradle.

A bruised rib is all. 

 Be good! No fight! No Fight!

Mark all heroes please.

I just ran into Dark Squire.

 Don't run. We fly!



Izime sent the feeling of his pure gratitude back through the bond instead of bothering with cheap verbal thanks as three blue shield icons joined the map. Taking stock of their locations and the projected paths Cradle was displaying Izime found his feet as he considered his bonds advice on fleeing.



Three heroes, three villains and their accompanying goon squads were spread about the various levels of the water filtration facility. Things were getting a bit dicey and considering the tanks of toxin Izime was beginning to doubt if the remaining pumps were really worth it. Right up until he remembered where he wanted to sell them.



Those generation ships didn't have dry-docks anymore; their maintenance was of the highest priority to their inhabitants. The toxin was fun money, the pumps would be a good sale but a better deed. Izime now stretching the kinks and knots out as he refocused on the prize. The cluster of pumps would be his and then it was time for extract no questions asked.



First, who was where? FearForm was tangling with Dark Squire again, and The Quiz was... fighting Dark Night? That left the rage buffed synth-roid fueled physical fighter against the psychic alien. Izime ground his teeth as he watched the marker for Stupid Purple flying. Izime quickly forming an idea that would keep Crusher tied up for a bit while he gathered the pumps he could. It would put Cradle in the spotlight for a moment, then he'd need to put Crusher down for a bit, but it was the safest option to keep the psychic away from the toxin.

Cradle give me the odds,

Stupid Purple against Crusher.

 Purple Big Win.

Chances she does it flawless,

Not touching the cloud of fear gas?

  Crusher Big Win

OK Change of plans Cradle,

We are fixing their fuck up.

  No Fight No Fight No Fi-

We are not fighting,

We are fixing problems.




Izime felt a complicated mix of both expectation and resistance as Cradle seemed to be considering their mutual thoughts. Izime filling his end with considerations about the loot, and the devastation that Miss Psyis could cause. Finally, a bit of reluctant acceptance leaking though the bond, Izime silently holding his own emotions as Cradle considered. A full on yes not being spoken but it was there all the same, Izime began to lay out the plot.

OK here's the plan.