"Just get me close physical contact should work," Izime explained bringing his own palms together in example as if he was cupping water, "I'll handle the transfer between you two dumb drives."
Constantinople nodded and held his hand out, watching as Izime glanced warily between them before walking across from his pink to the purple and blue palm. The magician feeling the draw of Izime's existence leaving from his pool of energy. Looking up at the thessian who seemed to be struggling a bit as she managed the same efforts Constantinople had through a mental connection.
"Oh that's weird." Red eyes winced slightly, Psyis reaching out to steady her palm.
"This is staticky." A teal form flashed with bits of purple as Izime fed from thessian energy.
"I'll make it quick." Constantinople whipped out his chalk and rushed over to the open area in the lot. The exorcist immediately on edge as Izime's A.I. form was contacting and reflecting itself from the purple psychic haze around his form. Experience telling Constantinople the two forces weren't playing well together.
"Take your time we'll be fine." Izime said a bit more confidently that he looked arms held still feet planted as he wobbled. The figure that had walked about albeit uncomfortably in Constantinople hand and confidently on the table struggling to not moving at all. Holographic eyes glancing up at the super heroine who held him.
Psyis looking down feeling just as unsure, hearing to tone under Izime's words. Her mottled skin bluing as her alien biology reacted in fear for what might happen, she was a psychic holding a living idea, a dangerous one apparently.
Red eyes glancing down in worry as she felt that Izime's mind slipping into her own.
The exorcist nodding along with just as much confidence as he began to hastily inscribe the teleportation spell on the ground. First managing the massive circle, the diameters needing to be at least somewhat similar. Glancing up occasionally to check on the two who both seemed to be scared to move.
Constantinople mumbling as he considered just which runes and stellar objects he might be able to leave out. A few scribbles here, a reference to the nearby sun. Thing made a great locking arm for the magical gate. Constantinople found his thoughts interrupted, hearing both Psyis and Izime going at each-other once again.
Looking up finding the Thessian moving jerkily instead of just the expected arguing. Izime in her hand struggling and flickering away for brief moments as they bickered.
"You're echoing me."
"Stop moving us."
"Its you fault"
"Get out of my gill!"
Izime regretted ever trying to move around or walk while using Psyis psychic energy. As soon as he'd switched hands, he'd known that this had been a bad idea. A psychic trying to hold another mind while that mind was moving about in the real world had created some odd feedback.
His step moving in the thessian's own powers as a mental order, the message sent to move a leg through both their bodies.
The two slowly falling into a fight for control. Izime trying to keep his own self in her palm as the psychic energy flowed through him, that draw pulling his mind into her body. The loss of processing power losing to an altogether new form once again. The A.I. was stuck in quicksand in its efforts to maintain its presence by the feelings of breathing and clothes on skin.
Psyis panicking as she slowly began to lose her own mind, or rather another mind had slipped into her arm and was now leaking into the rest of her body. One lung breathing instead for Izime instead of her. Freaking out as she worried that he might just unintentionally take her over, slipping accidentally into a living form that the A.I. form of Izime had become familiar with.
"Fine fine fine! I'm echoing!" Izime decided to try and at least get himself away from the thessian physically. Her powers could be moved around far easier, having control of some of her mental process as opposed to Constantinople's magic. Reaching out with their now shared limb Izime pointed towards a wall. "Let's just put a ball of your power on top of that wall."
"There, thank god I'm wireless." Izime smiled, watching as Psyis breathed easier. The panicked look from the loss of control slowly easing away, she'd at least nodded at the joke,
Izime nodding as well. That had been intense nearly switching places. Izime not wanting to think of what might have happened they fully swapped, fearing for the psychic's existence as she'd have no familiarity with being a body-less being.
"Don't play around with his soul." Constantinople looked between the two who seemed to have sorted themselves, spell stills stretched between his palms ready to intervene. Warning Izime now as well, trying to lighten the situation with him. "You either she needs that body."
"We're fine now," Psyis lied, more than a bit uncomfortable as Izime held his own little sphere of her stolen powers, "that was a bit uncomfortable."
"You're fine," Izime scrubbed at his suit feeling the itchy physical hybrid feeling of the psychic's supersensory abilities, "I feel all Thessianed"
"Says the glorified toaster." Psyis immediately regretted saying the words, even hearing Constantinople take in a quick breath. Looking up to see Izime glancing at his form then back at her already sizzling a bit as he fumed.
"Im a-ah," Izime started to give his usual response before flipping Psyis off, disappearing with a snap, "Fuck you."
"Izime I..." Psyis looked at the spot worriedly as the tiny sphere of energy returned to her own control, absent of any trace of the upset man that had been inside. The jokingly delivered insult touching a sore spot on the previously living electronic.
"Did he, ya know," Constantinople glanced over the Psychic worriedly, checking for any traces of Izime's soul sloughing off her. He'd need to snatch them back quickly unless he wanted to run the risk of his friend fizzling away. "Turn off?"
"No, he's..." Psyis looked around, she could still feel Izime somewhere nearby. Not the void anymore but that same intense flow of constant thought that had nearly melted into her. That stream was someplace around close, a snap in her own mind finally getting her attention.
"He's in here, upset." Psyis tapped her own skull realizing Izime decided to ball up inside of her own mind instead of running the risk being verbally slapped by her again.
Psyis content Izime had at least found a comfortable spot to rest instead of her managing him. Unlike holding him with her energy which they'd fought over, there were already enough bad dark feelings roaming in her brain to mask him. The reaction they'd had before was suppressed as Izime sulked bathed in her own similar feelings at the intended joke. The mental back and forth never happening as Izime comfortably mixed into similar thoughts.
"Could you hurry Constantinople I know it's hard." Psyis urged the man watching as the tan trenchcoat circled around making further alterations.
Constantinople looked up at thessian, at first wanting to give his usual speel that he wasn't just taking his time because. There were steps that needed to be taken and... the exorcist nodded instead watching as Psyis looked around uneasily. "Almost there and...."
With his other hand Constantinople pulled out a few more sticks of chalk, clapping his hands he sent them about to complete the rest of the circle. Now wasn't the time for principle and practice, the thessian beside him was holding his half dead friend in her mind. The remaining runes filling in as the proper locking lines were drawn between the referencing stellar objects.
"Done!" Constantinople stepped into the circle, waving for Psyis to follow not bothering to check on Izime, he'd likely find his own way off as soon as they arrived anyway. Waiting his coat jacket open for the last piece of chalk to repocket itself, Constantinople clapped. "First stop Mercury! Second stop mutiny!"
The circle flaring to life as two bodies and three minds left earth, once again arriving inside the dark cargo hold of Izime's ship.
The darkness locked inside the metal ship on Mercury briefly flaring with a twinge of purple and teal as a haze leapt from Psyis into the metal floor of the vessel.The ships lights and systems chatters as the now A.I. captain returned to his vessels. Psyis and Constantinople standing in the dark waiting expectantly, as the first few seconds ticked by.
Izime felt the ship's systems, air filtration, water cycling, coolant chillers and the hull sensor monitors. The blank black stretching out, unsure if he really wanted to turn the ship on. The idea was a bit of a personal fear, the idea of being stuck inside a ship's system or any other thing. Sure, he'd been born as an A.I. and it might be different if this was his old cloud of nanites or Bell was here.
But to feel so limited again?
"Izime?" Constantinople voice echoed around the hold of the ship; a bit nervous since nothing had happened. Izime having hopefully transferred himself into the ship successfully. His form leaping from Psyis who'd been holding him in her mind as soon as they'd arrived. Nothing had happened for a few moments now though.
Wishing he could sigh at the prodding, Izime didn't waste effort trying. There wasn't a point in it with no lungs.
Entire horror stories being written on the slight irritation he was returning to, that inhumane level of limitation he'd never known he'd miss. Instead Izime kicked the much weaker silicon he now was inside into a higher gear, spilling himself into the other adjacent co-threaded processors as well. Pooling the ships combined computers together so he could stretch his legs.
Finding all the right switches and systems Izime powered everything on, lights, air, sensors, even the exterior sensors on the ship himself. Proverbially opening his eyes through all the ships available methods, he was reaching out and flipping all the lights on at once. The effect of which was a terribly rude wake-up for both him and the ship essentially tipping them both out of the bed an onto the floor of Mercury.
"Ss-s-s-s-orrry Lit-l-l-lig-lights!" The ships systems sputtered for a moment, the lights flickering in sync with the broken chattering in Izime's voice. Constantinople and Psyis both glanced at each other as the ship roared to life.
Izime's voice coming out terribly broken however and from somewhere much deep in the vessel.
"Ah that was a rough start-up." Izime tried again, his now much more electronic voice echoing through every speaker in the ship. Izime chuckling as he watched the two glance around nervously though multiple lenses, "Sorry a little light?"
"So, what are we here for?" Constantinople asked, walking around again as he meandered towards the front.
No longer touching things as Izime wasn't around to actually bother in such a fashion. Instead taking a longer glance at the mural on the far wall of the ship, now recognizing the paint for what it was. At least knowing a fraction of the tale behind the massive depiction from Izime's home reality.
"I'm here to move about twelve hundred thousand tons of product," Izime considered a rough guesstimate on the amount of materials he would kick-start on their sub-light transfers around the galaxy he knew. Some known by the rest of the universe, but many safely tucked away.
"Metric by the way, across nearly as many light years." Izime unconcerned about pirates or other worries as he continued explaining. Quickly deciding to join the group in the hold, angling a few projectors in the massive bay to put a decent sized version of himself next the the tanks in the front. "Up fore!"
It was probably going to be a bit weird for the others to hear his voice coming from everywhere while his mouth moved in front of them though. The crew had always found that a bit unsettling, so Izime took the two into consideration. The A.I. pulling a small hovering drone out to put his mouth and eyes in and directing it towards the hologram.
Constantinople and Psyis both crouching a bit as Izime's voice rang through the hold, the A.I. yelling at them for some reason. Walking up through the shelves to see a proper sized hologram scratching at the back of his head awkwardly, no explanation for his outburst forthcoming.
"Sorry, I would say I yelled on instinct, but I don't have those anymore, being toaster and all," Izime rolled his holographic eyes at the two, his voice now more moderated and modulated by the drone, "I glitched my bad. Anyways let me..."
Glancing around Izime found a large enough surface to render a massive two-dimensional overlay, not wanting to completely erase his own projection as he explained. Turning towards the death of the devourer he directed his light show.
The massive scale of this alternative milky way coming up with hundreds of thousands of tiny dots strewn across it. Those dots trailing lines as various points were highlighted in a myriad display of colors.
The A.I. figuring he'd keep the explanations to the local bubble and not go into the long-distance deliveries as the two joined him. Izime preparing a PowerPoint on just how he'd been managing a bit of their galaxy.