Name: Dark Squire/ Steven Blane
Race: Human
Home Planet/Origin: Earth/Earth Prime
Description: Orphaned after an unfortunate accident involving one of Stan Blane's employees, soon adopted by the billionaire. Steven Blane, originally Steven Holden was adopted by the billionaire to make amends. Stan intending to provide Steven with an easy life, the child's curiosity ended that early as he discovered the Dark Cavern at a young age.
Now having served as the Dark Knights Dark Squire for more than the majority of his life. The man's cocky attitude and affluent upbringing once serving as a cover to explain Steven's alternative lifestyle. Much like his adoptive father. Steven perhaps took to the mask too well.
Strengths: Not only befitting from the same technologies as his mentor, Steven also has the advantage of being younger. Having a head-start on gaining a body that would be much more suited to crime-fighting than his adoptive father. As well as one that can handle the combat stimulants permitted by Dark Night.
Steven is thus much more dangerous in a physical fight without all the gadgetry.
Weaknesses: While having more physically capabilities than his counterpart, Dark Squire lacks the intellect that usually keeps his anger and reactive nature in check. Easily taunted or goaded into making mistakes or putting himself at a disadvantage for a flashy take-down.
Anything that can kill a regular human, though you'd need to counter all of Dark Squire's suits protective functions.