Pulling now from the same information banks it shared through the bond with Izime, quickly locating his body Cradle took to wing. A few flaps in finding its body locked, crying angrily with an accusing look towards the cyborg before realizing who had stopped them. That cry whimpering out a bit as Cradle felt Izime intentions.
Fight! Fight Good!
I know we could. We can't.
I was bad so we can't fight them.
"Can one of you take us?" Cradle tilted its head curious as to why the others now looked at it uncomfortably.
This was how Izime and it had existed since birth, bonding and sharing thoughts and self. Why should it be weird for Izime's voice to come out of them both now, they had always been together.
"I-ah yea mate sure thing lemme just..." Constantinople quickly took of his protective trenchcoat, balling it up as he crouched. Trying to sneak up on the bird that had just asked to be carried.
"Just pick us up Constantinople,"
"Come here now, no..."
"Just drop the coat dude."
"Shite too! That thing's bloody vicious!"
"No shit you're scaring Cradle!"
"Oh, for gods' sake Constanople. Come here Cradle" Psyis walked over and knelt, holding one arm out with her elbow bent level, giving it a shake hoping Cradle would simply fly over. The bird glaring at her for a moment as if considering who it'd like to fight more, Constantinople's coat or her arm.
"It's me, the coat, or the stasis chamber mister, pick one." Psyis tried again, assuming Izime's silence meant he was trying to convince the raven to perch on her arm as well. Reaching out she patter her forearm hoping tha—OH GODS HERE IT COMES!
"AHH!" Psyis whipped her head back, slipping and falling on her butt as the bird's metal wings brushed against her face.
Heart hammering expecting blood to be pouring out, instead only feeling an odd soft tickle from the black razor metal, "Thats a good bird."
Psyis tried to dust herself off as if that would return any of the dignity her cheeks had stamped onto the floor with that spill. Glancing over at Ret who was similarly just as disheveled as her now apologetically she explained.
"Sorry Ret, I'll get you a buffing pad this year." Psyis gestured towards the scuffs her powers had left on the super-strong metal-man. "We just kind of figured you weren't going to go along with it."
"That's him?" Ret-Borg pulled his shoulder-laser back, looking between Psyis and Constantinople before finally settling his eyes on the black winged bird that perched on her silver arm. "Is he, are they really going to go to a cell? Just like that."
Ret glanced at the bird he'd briefly admired wondering just what it was, what both of them were. The animal giving an occasional flap as it looked around the room, occasionally settling its eyes on him angrily. The cyborg unsure if it was the animal, the man or both that were directing their ire towards him.
Either way he'd feel more comfortable once they were both in lock-up.
"We're gonna fix his real body first but after, yea that's the plan. His plan..." Psyis nodded running a hand gently over Cradles back. Feeling the tiny talons pricking at her arm as it tensed still in front of Ret she wanted to explain quickly. "I think you can call the league here in a bit just don't cause the same freak out Dark Night did, Izime's coming in on his own this time."
"Ready?" Psyis asked, Cradle not looking at her. The thessian feeling the affirmative from the way the birds head bodded and rotated to look down the hall towards the medical ward, "Let's go wake Izime up."
Psyis walking down the empty halls with Constantinople behind her. Confident that any warnings would come from Cradle or Izime as they currently owned Savior Orbital.
Passing through various other wings and modules until she finally arrived at the same medical room, she'd decided to switch sides in. Izime's body still laying there, the monitors beeping steadily as various tubes and I'V.s supported it.
"Do we need to do anything?" Constantinople suspected they'd need to. Most super level restorative means had to have the more common medical accompaniments removed. The various hoses, needles, tubes and other apparatus of modern man and not mystical marvel.
"Pull everything and then you might want to leave." Cradle and Izime hoped from Psyis arm, landing on the rail of the medical bed. Izime finishing with a warning that it'd be best to exit the room while Cradle worked. "It's a little macabre."
"I've seen some things mate; I'll stick around to see you wake up." Constantinople waved his hand not really carry what Cradle had to do to bring Izime back. Thinking he'd at least get to see how it happened this time, he stood aside for Psyis.
"I'm staying I.." Psyis tried to think of a reason. White brows furrowing as purple and blue switched about on her face. Psyis glanced at the bird resting on her arm, quickly deciding it'd be best to say less.
Not wanting a repeat of overstepping herself like last night still regretting opening her mouth at all she simply finished. Excusing her own attendance simply saying, "I'm staying."
"OK, pull the plug." Izime and Cradle both looked towards the currently lifeless body on the bed directing the two with opposable thumbs to get to work.
Psyis carefully and tenderly unwrapping his shoulder while Constantinople gingerly picked at a piece of tape holding the I.V. in.
Gray talons tapping back and forth on the metal bed frame as time passed slowly.
Izime watching as Psyis unflinchingly pulled the breathing tube from his mouth, Constantinople still picking at that same piece of tape.
A few more moments and Psyis was removing the various taped on sensors of monitoring equipment, Constantinople was still occupied with that piece of tape.
"Just rip the stuff out Cradles just going to..." Izime start to order them around. Getting impatient he hopped onto the bed sheets, trying to hurry them.
The fierce look they'd received convincing even Cradle to hop back. "OK OK! Take your time jeeze!"
Psyis rolling her eyes at Constantinople who was still glaring at Izime's lack of care for his own wellbeing, ironically enough for the cancer riddled exorcist.
Still the two did pick up the pace a bit, it would only be so long before someone caught on that Savior Orbital had been hijacked. The last bit of bandage coming off Izime's chest as Constantinople finally managed to get the tape off. Psyis reaching across and quickly but delicately pulling the needle free.
"Wake me up quick buddy." Izime pet Cradle fondly through his bond, nervously anticipating awakening once more in the human form. Immediately planning to demand a drink, just as soon as he had walked that body down the hall to the cell waiting for him.
Izime leapt from the bird to the near dead.
The two watched as Cradles blue scanning light took in Izime on the bed, a slight shimmer passing from the bird to the body as the intellect passed over.
The raven giving the two heroes in the room a look before moved to start, wanting a fresh sample to begin Izime's rebuild. The raven quickly hopping over and pecking at its owner, Psyis and Constantinople both paling. The absence of the medical equipment's noise only highlighting the noise as the metal tore in.
Blacken razors delicately carving in as the bird tore chunks of Izime's face. Fresh blood pouring out as the black head tilted back each of those pink and bloody strips vanishing down its throat.
"I oh gods."
"Thats..ok it is so disturbing."
Cradle tilted its head at the two's complaints, Izime had warned them once already.
Besides this was best accomplished in the truly sterile environment inside the techno-beast. Creating a fresh batch of purpose built nanites was a delicate task after all. If you were making something that could carry parts of atoms then you needed to get all of the pesky molecules out of the way before you started building.
The bits of Izime in it quickly getting worked over and examined.
Task oriented nanites being created that were designed to improve on the original design completed by Bell. Cradle once again adding a few of its own improvements through the many thousands of various elements and technologies it had eaten since Izime's last iteration.
Finally having a crop full of the oily black nanites that would rebuild its bond and restore Izime to an even higher function Cradle brought them back up. Wings flapping as its gullet cramped dumping two thick slops of black nanites on Izime's chest.
The piles quickly sloughing away in a wash of red clumps before dispersing as they went about their tasks. The un-bandaged arm quickly forming chains of the microscopic bots that built muscle, bone, and nerve, tiny bridges between stretching to form new tendons. Tearing open the healed skin, cauterized wounds and frost-burnt areas to start over anew.
Cradle pacing nervously on Izime's chest simply out of care and worry, eyes scanning beneath the skin as the bots repaired Izime's lungs and decayed tissues. Slipping between the cells to find the hole his ribs had punched, tiny manipulators quickly assembling more of the soft bits, restoring function once more.
Years of healing and therapy passing over in just a few minutes as its bonds form was restored to a better than new state.
The blue light returning as the robotic bird checked on the minor strength enhancements it had made, the slightly denser muscle fibers and metal lattice bone structure should help.
Especially seeing as Izime had come back reeking of that filthy overpowered Thessian crowess. Cradle feeling all the bits of Purple still dripping through Izime's side of the bond. As data Izime'd probably managed the sultry attacks the trashy crowess had attempted to make. In this body he'd need more help if he wanted to fend off the stronger female.
The raven pacing protectively wanting to make sure that the pheromone riddled interloper didn't try and steal its family as soon as he woke. Cradle came first!
"IZ! I! ME!" Cradle crying out as a familiar but new arm rose from the bed to hold it, black wings flapping against a healed chest in the best imitation of a hug the bird could offer, "IZ! IZ! IZ!"
"I'm back. Thank you Cradle," Izime stroked carefully stroked Cradle, holding the bird against his body as he felt that oddly warm metal full of life welcome him back. Looking up at the other two who had helped bring him back to the breathing. "And you two as well. Thanks for being the best friends and going against the League for me while it lasted."
Izime started to stand realizing immediately he probably shouldn't. Just that little movement had sent hundreds of familiar warning signals through his body. First his body felt weak as hell, second it was obvious from the feeling of the bed sheets he wasn't wearing pants.
Izime closing his eyes and taking a moment to let his nerves throw their little riots, hands pressing into the blankets.
The process of jump starting the human body no less stressful on this fleshy pink form than any other. The damage was repaired sure but tell that to all the nerves he'd activated as soon as he'd left Cradle. The ghost pains slowly possessing his whole body but mostly his chest and new arm, Izime taking a moment to adjust to this old body's new sensations.
"I uh, look I know I said I'd walk down to the cells, but can I get some clothes first?" Izime blushed a bit as he glanced underneath the hospital beds blanket recognizing the typical open back hospital gown.
Looking up feeling the familiar and unfamiliar in this new-again body. Izime asked for something to eat as some sensations were still absent, "and some food I'm starving, probably?"
Izime looked at the two who'd just watched his body being rebuilt and their pale faces. It was likely a good thing he didn't feel any sort of appetite, or he'd have lost his as well. Apparently, the idea of food being the last thing that was crossing either Psyis or Constantinople's minds.
A low grumble building confirmed the A.I.'s suspicions on his body.
Constantinople nodded and left preparing to go get something for his friend to eat. Let the Thessian dress him if she felt like otherwise, he'd grab Izzy an orange jumper afterwards. The exorcist thinking how he'd put a ball and chain on that bird too, if only it'd not eat it. Giving Ret a nod and a smile as he passed.
"Is?" Ret-Borg paused pointing down the hall towards the only room with the door open, two voices coming out. The silver metallic hand extended in question, unsure if taking a shot from Miss Psyis had actually been worth it. The whole thing was already over, the cyborg figuring he couldn't have missed all that much.
"Aye, my mates back and hungry." Constantinople nodded pulling one hand free, gesturing behind him towards the door as he walked by Ret.
Explaining further Constantinople turned trying to remember which way the cafeteria was. "Wants to get locked up in something that's at least got a zipper if you could grab something my build but the thessian's height?"
The exorcist giving a nod as he saw a sign pointing towards the League mealtime facilities he headed off. Constantinople catching Ret looking into the room as he rounded the corner.
The massive mechanical cyborg timidly standing as he leaned around the doorframe. The man on the bed gave a slight wave as Ret's shiny half-skull gave him away. His longer hair down and a bit messy across his shoulder as Miss Psyis acted a bit unusually, fussing about him.
Ret blinked, uncomfortable with the nonchalant friendliness of the stranger. The cyborg finally walked into the room giving him a wary glance, Ret now aware of the possible risk.
"Hey Ret." Izime gave a weak wave, catching the chrome shining as it peeked inside.
Psyis stepped back looking to see who'd entered, no longer pulling at the covers uselessly as they waited on food. Finding the cyborg, she'd left still half-winded and scratched up in the Stasis Chamber entering Izime's room.
The woman wishing Izime would at least allow the heroes to introduce themselves. Maybe not just like he had her, but it was more polite than just walking over other members of the League.
"You'll get used to it Izime knows everyone." The thessian hoped Ret would let the lack of introduction not bother him as Izime welcomed him in. Red eyes looking away quickly as Ret gave her a questioning look Psyis deciding to step in on Izime's behalf and start explaining the attitude, "Even sassed Dark Night so don't take it personally if he's just saying hi."
Both Izime and Psyis knowing that if the League took anything personally it wouldn't be that.