Chapter 22: A Proposal Abroad

**Jasmin Selene's POV**

We're here by the river for Grace's bridal shower because we're going to "shower" by the river, hahaha... just kidding.

I don't know why Grace thought of holding her bridal shower here! She could've just done it at her house.

But the river is nice, too. It reminds me of how we used to swim here all the time. The area near the hanging bridge is different because it's a much longer river that leads to the sea.

Here in our sitio, it's just a small river. Its water comes from the mountain above, and it's a bit rocky—large rocks, to be exact.

Since this spot became a go-to hangout whenever people want to have fun, a small bamboo hut was built here, which can probably fit about ten people. It's made of bamboo, and the roof is made of anahaw leaves turned into nipa. It has walls on all sides except the front, where you can see the clear and beautiful water.

There's also a cooking area here, so you can grill food while enjoying the river.

This bridal shower was actually impromptu, so we didn't have much time to prepare.

There are only six of us here—all childhood friends. Grace's other friends from Manila will arrive tomorrow. Like me, Grace also studied in Manila, but she was ahead of me.

Grace is four years older than me. When she turned 20, she decided to stop studying and work abroad. That's where she met Matthew—the man of her dreams... supposedly.

She said she'll go back abroad after the wedding, but she'll visit occasionally to see Auntie Cora. And once she becomes a citizen there, she plans to bring her mother with her.

She once told me I should work abroad, too, because the pay there is much higher. Here in the Philippines, even if you work tirelessly, the salary is still low.

But I really want to finish my studies because that's the promise I made to my mother before she passed away—that I would graduate and find a good job.

"Hey, you're zoning out again," Grace said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She sat on the rock next to me.

"I was just thinking… Time flies so fast, and now you're getting married," I said.

"Yeah, I know, right? Who would've thought I'd fall for someone I didn't even like at first? Hahaha. How about you? Have you found a boyfriend yet?" she asked, looking at me seriously.

"Not yet," I sighed. "I want to finish my studies and find a job before thinking about boyfriends," I replied, which made her pout.

"You know, you're taking life too seriously. Give yourself some time to enjoy… Oh, that's English, hahaha," she laughed, and I laughed with her.

But honestly, when was the last time I truly enjoyed myself?

Ever since my mother passed away, I've been focused on studying and working.

"Why don't you come with me abroad? I'll ask Matthew to help you find a good job there," she suggested.

I've thought about it before. Maybe I could stop studying for now and work full-time. Save up a lot of money, then go back to school.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking about the decision I'd have to make.

In two years of working there, I could save a significant amount of money—something I couldn't achieve with my current job here in the Philippines.

"You two, come over here!" Helen, one of our friends, called out before I could respond.

"Think about what I said," Grace told me with a smile.

I nodded and stood up. We went back to the hut.

The food was already laid out on the floor, and I noticed a bottle of *lambanog* (local coconut liquor).

I looked at them, and they were all grinning at me. "Are we drinking?"

"Of course! My bridal shower wouldn't be complete without drinks," Grace answered with a mischievous grin. "You have to drink. No saying no," she added, pretending to threaten me.

"Fine, fine," I replied, which made them all cheer.

I just shook my head and smiled at their antics.

I remembered the first time I drank *lambanog* with them. After just a few shots, I was already knocked out. My alcohol tolerance is really low.

But I've gradually trained myself to handle alcohol since I started working at the club. Still, I'm not a heavy drinker—I only take small sips.

So, I don't know what's going to happen to me tonight.

"HAHAHAHA… I don't know about Jasmin. So many guys are courting her, but she hasn't said yes to anyone," Grace said.

"Yeah, especially Jacob! He never gave up on courting Jasmin. He was so persistent, but still nothing because Jasmin is too picky!" Helen added.

Why are they talking about me when I'm not the one getting married?

"I even invited Jacob to my wedding. And from what I heard, he's still single," Grace said, giving me a teasing look.

"Maybe it's because of Jasmin that he's still single… yieee…" Marie teased, poking my side.

"Why didn't you say yes to Jacob before? He's handsome, kind, and respectful… Aren't those the qualities you want in a man?" Grace asked, taking a sip of *lambanog*.

Why didn't I say yes to him back then? Maybe I just wasn't ready for a relationship, and I was still young.

"I wasn't thinking about those things at the time," I replied.

"How about now? If Jacob courted you again, would he have a chance?" Helen asked.

The five of them stared at me, waiting for my answer.

Would he?

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"We'll find out tomorrow, right? Jacob's coming back tomorrow. I'm so excited for you two to meet again," Thea said, grinning.

I just smiled at them.

We continued drinking and chatting about random things until night fell.

Three of them were already asleep because they drank too much, while Helen, Grace, and I were still awake.

Helen, being the heavy drinker, was cleaning up while Grace and I added wood to the bonfire we made.

I looked up at the vast sky. It was so bright with stars, and the moon was huge.

It reminded me of when we were on the island. This was something Inang, Tatang, and I loved doing at night.

Inang and I would sit on the sand near the shore while Tatang built a bonfire.

We'd just watch the sky until we got tired of it.

I miss those days when life was simpler—when there were no problems to worry about.

When working hard wasn't necessary. When just eating three meals a day was enough.

But now, I have to persevere. I have to take care of myself.

I know working abroad is tough, but the pay is good. There's no harm in trying.