Murder Squad

(Lorey POV, Dream World)

Hearing the tent zipper and shaking of a tent somewhere behind and off to her left, Lorey shuddered silently, face going pale. Her mahogany coloured eyes contained panic and fear only just being restrained by the need for quiet. 


'We have to get out of here before they get too close.

But how in hell are we supposed to do that without making noise?'

Falling into deep thought as the group of people cleared their third tent since coming into earshot Lorey glanced at Shem, his chestnut eyes gazing back at her. Being close together, the darkness only slightly obscured her vision so she had clear access to the worry and uncertainty plastered on his face. Noticing her eyes focused on him Shem gave a slight shrug of the shoulders to insinuate that he had nothing. 

'Well that's not good.

That Colonel did say we could affect things in our dreams depending on our will.

Guess I might as well try.'

Turning silently towards the zipped entrance of the tent Lorey fiercely thought about what the word 'will' signified. Countless thoughts about the meaning of the word flashed through her mind, though the solution she decided on was that it is her mental capacity. 

Focusing all of her mind on the entrance she urged it to open, the entrance showing no sign of moving or opening silently. 

The tenth tent just got cleared. They were now thirty meters away. Lorey was still focused on the entrance. Sweat rolled down her twisted face in concentration, the voices slowly getting closer. 

As the fifteenth tent finished being checked, she was still focused. Shem was showing signs of distress over how close the group was getting. 

Lorey, still in focus, only barely noticed the disturbance with the eighteenth tent. As the zipper opened in normality one member of the group entered just like before, but the words "Clear" were not said. Instead rustling ensued, violent cracks and blows were exchanged with hisses in pain as a result. The companions of the breacher yelled and backed up their friend just as they heard the first engagement. 


Rapidly the opponent was suppressed, and only hoarse choked words could be discerned. 

"J-just don't kill my little girl."

No response but a gunshot followed, the killers not caring for the noise they made. 

Swiftly the sound of rustling in the tent could be determined followed by the sobs of a girl. 

A second gunshot rang out.


Hearing this the blood drained from Lorey's face as she realised her progression to get rid of the tent entrance was not getting any closer. Choosing to employ her second solution she turned to Shem and gestured. 

Shem, understanding the meaning of the gesture, silently moved towards the back of the cramped tent and stood up as much as he could. 

'Well, here goes nothing.'

With a resilient look Lorey rapidly opened the zipper causing a lot of noise and spiking her adrenaline. The sibling instantly shot out of the tent like professional runners, the shouts and footsteps of the murder squad in hot pursuit.