118: Almost done- Part 2

It took almost no time for Auriel to reach the village, but her path was soon blocked by other annoyances. Monsters began to appear one by one and attack her and Mary.

"Tsk, these annoyances did decide to come after us after all. Don't worry, Goddess! I will make way for us to pass through."

Mary promised before she began to fire at the monsters. But these monsters were different from the ones she was used to fighting.

They had tougher skin that made Mary's bullets bounce off their hard shells and fall flat on the ground.

"What the—"

Mary was distracted by her failed attempt, so she was not able to see the tail that headed for her abdomen and hit her hard. But since she was not one to be taken down so easily, she grabbed the tail that was coming at her and held on for dear life.

Just as she felt her body giving up on her, Auriel decided to give her blessing to Mary, causing her energy levels to return to normal.