Just as he finished saving her, he felt the core of the armor beeping within him. Feeling his time running out, Subaru quickly made his exit, dashing away from the damsel in distress before she found out who he was.
Panting, he heaved near the side of the 7-Eleven, too out of breath. As he slowly felt better and wanted to enter the convenience store, an angel appeared before his eyes.
Junko Yamino blinked her eyes, shocked at the sight of a man near her beautiful lips. Jerking back, she quickly distanced herself from Subaru, not wanting to lose her first kiss to some random stranger. "Umm... are you okay?"
Cheeks glowing crimson, Subaru rubbed his hair shyly, nervous about being alone with the school Madonna, alone without anyone else. Feeling her soft eyes and dainty lips near him, he stammered, "W-well, I'm alright. Yeah, alright. Just... you know... just here for a Ramune. My little cousin wants one, and she sent me here to get one. Illgoandgetitforher."
Fumbling at the end, Subaru bolted in, rocketing straight to the frozen drinks section.
Huh, he kind of piques my interest...
In a large wooden mansion, the small wooden watermill bobs up and down, carrying the falling drips, dripping peacefully.
The same could not be said for the occupants.
Ahhhh! Arrrghhhh! Please, please, I-I swear I'll pay it back! Just give me one more week! I promise!
Sitting in a large circle at the center of a large room, the high-ranking members of the Zeo clan all sat together, not moving an inch. Some picked their nails, some their noses, some cleaned their knives. Yet none dared to leave.
After half an hour, when they believed their boss would not come, large thumps came from behind a bookshelf.
Suddenly, it swung back.
A large, rotund man came from deep within, carrying a corkscrew in his left hand and an eye in his right. "Umashiki, carry our... 'guest'... from within, would you? I believe that he has been served, for now."
Wiping his hands on a nearby towel, he sat down at the head of the crew, draping himself with a new shirt and coat. Still smelling of blood, he commenced the meeting, "Reports, people, reports. I hope to hear good news."
One by one, they all began:
"Boss, we have managed to gain ten more stores this week on our..."
"We have secured more land and territory for our clan. The Yami Clan have been pushed back..."
"Our drug trades have increased by 26.7%. Our Mexican comrades want to increase our cooperation..."
Nodding his head, Mochi listened to each of his subordinates' reports, happy with the developments of each one. Just as he was about to rise, one tiny piece of news set off fireworks in his head.
A lanky and thin leader, with a scar running through his scalp, mentioned, "...Can you believe it? One of my men was sent flying by a Kamen Rider cosplayer. I mean, how lame can it be..."
Just as he was about to trail off onto other news, Mochi stopped him. Rising, he approached the man, grabbing him by the shoulders:
"Tell me, what did he look like!"
Scared, the lanky man described exactly what Subaru wearing the armor looked like.
Throwing him off, Mochi, in agitation, ordered them all:
"Find this man at all costs!"