The Final Fight Begins...

Back to them, the figure kept munching on the apple. Despite their blatantly standing in the doorway, he paid no heed. Upon finishing the fruit, he turned around.

His tiny, beady eyes squinted at them; clenched hands slowly relaxed. His suit, bursting at the seams, made the whole situation very funny, yet Subaru could not laugh. He stood at the edge, shivering.

Despite the ridiculous stature of the man eating the apple, he exuded blood from his very being. The sheer amount nearly forced Subaru to kneel, yet he was stopped.

Albert grabbed him by the shoulders.

Feeling the reassuring touch from the burly hand, Subaru calmed down soon enough. Eyes calm, he stared straight at the intimidating blob.

Nodding in approval, Albert exchanged glances with the fat man, asking, "Move, let him get his family, and we can leave peacefully." Taken aback, once the request was registered, the figure began walking smoothly, contrary to his figure.

"I, Mochi, am deeply, very deeply, amused. No one has the audacity to lecture me. Congratulations; your grand prize is being crushed by me, personally, very painfully.

Teeth fully bared, he crushed the pulp in his hand. Wiping his hands on a napkin he somehow pulled from his pockets, he readied himself for the battle, confident in securing his win.

He felt wind passing through him.

Eyes shrinking, he slowly turned his head. At the end of the hall was the old fart. He was in front of him one moment; the next second, he was there.

W-what the fuck is he!?

As he stood there, shell-shocked, Albert turned towards them. "Oh, and boy, take heed. This man is damn strong (for you at least). Anyways, I'll go and save your family. Oh, and fatso, the kid's yours. Good luck!"

With that, Albert dashed towards the basement where the Ida family was being kept.

Umm, help?

"Well, seems like that old bastard left you to me. How unlucky..." As he said this, he did not realize he was sweating profusely.

Sensing the situation worsening, Suabru assumed a stance, the armor springing onto him. Seeing this, Mochi chuckled. "Well, well, well, if it ain't our 'Kamen Rider'. Seems someone has managed to activate the amulet after all."

Wh-what!? How does he know that the armour and the amulet are related!?

"What, confused? Hehehe..." Chuckling after witnessing Subaru's astonished look, Mochi continued his monologue, slowly circling towards Subaru.

Seeing his enemy coming towards him, Subaru began distancing himself. Mochi, realising this, squinted.

"Do you have any idea, any idea at all, for how long I searched for that stupid amulet. If it wasn't for my stupid boss, I wouldn't have even bothered with those stupid stakeouts over the years. But now, now I see why. Once you're gone, that power's all mine!"

Laughing maniacally, he lunged straight at Subaru.