Chapter - 8

Thinking about the other individual I befriended in the city, it wasn't that hard to hear about her in the city. Having arrived from France, Jeanne, the one that carries the spirit if the Maiden of Orleans, Joan of Arc.

She is much like her self in the original series, a beautiful girl with blonde hair and sky blue eyes.


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From what I understood, she was always treated as the reincarnation of Joan, not as Jeanne herself, which over the years made her more and more insecure about her own identity and ended up jumping on the first chance to leave the church. Since I knew this, I did a pretty simple thing, I just befriended her as Jeanne and then introduced her to Asia, and they hit it right off.

Now for the last 8 months, we always have this kind of outings together once or twice a week, and they meet up between themselves on other days I'm not available.

" Anyways, it's time for me to go. Say hello to gramps for me when he visits" Saying that I give her a quick hug before departing and hearing her say

"I will tell tell Father Strada that, and stay safe" to which I just waved my hand and departed. I did meet Vasco Strada in person finally, after his visit to us when he heard about our usual meetings, and let me tell you, the man is a fucking giant.

I'm pretty sure that I can fit in his hand if he grabs me, but that's not the only thing about him. The sheer amount of holy energy channeling with him was ridiculous.

When I asked him what does he do with it after showing that I too have holy energy, he decided to impart upon me his famous technique, Holy fist and how to passively give my body a permanent boost in power continously until I reach my peak in body condition. Which was rather awesome if I was being honest, that helps deal with one of my main problems as a human, our naturally limited body strength.

Sure, I can use Touki, but having a more permanent boost and a stronger base is always better, for both me and my Touki. And after asking him to check on my being to see if he can identify what's the thing attached to me.

He looked rather surprised and said that it's indeed a sacred gear, and a powerful one at that.

Hearing that i was really happy, thinking of all the possibilities that I it opens to me, since from my guess, I think this is more and more likely to be Canis Lakyon, to which i tried to remember everything about it. From what Vasco said to me, the sacred gear has been ready to awaken from a long time but it seems for whatever reason, its currently dormant and changing.

Which means I'll probably awaken a Sub-Species, which is beyond great. So I decided to not rush it for now and wait it finished doing whatever it was doing.

But I didn't have to wait for long since its awakening happened at the same time as another grand event.


It was a regular day in the institution training ground, there isn't a lot of kids here at this time, choosing to take a rest. And in the middle of this place, I was having a spar with Dulio who was throwing all kind of elemental attacks at me, from lightning, wind, ice, fire, water, bubbles that explode upon contact and many more to which I either dodged, counter attacked with a spell or just straight up tanked with Touki and Holy magic empowered fists, before quickly casting a flash bang with runes, making him cry out in pain, as I kicked the ground and arrived at his location just before he tried to take off into the sky using the wind and unleashed a fury of sword strikes which he tried to deflect and then slapping the air in front him, causing a sudden earth pillar to ram into me and send me flying.

After which he decided to make things personal, coat his wooden sword in a thin layer of wind and fire, a testament to his abnormal control of his sacred gear and then dashing towards me with almost no air resistance, to which I have responded by already having written ᛜᛉᛇ on the ground and overloaded it with mana, causing an earth wall to rise just in time to block him, which he just proceeded to touch and from the other side that I was on, causing a series of little earth spikes to emerge and strike my location, but I was long gone since I already anticipated that. Before we could continue however, we heard someone yelling "STOP!!" at us, making us look over to see one of the faculty menbers looking at us.

"What's the matter? did we go overboard this time too?" asked Dulio, since this wasn't the first time we were told to stop in the middle of a spar for this reason.

"No, it's not that, atleast this time. An announcement have been made, all of you kids of the same year should head to the classroom of Father Gascoigne" explaining that, he left the training ground, leaving us to pick our breath a little bit before I said.

" Well let's continue this later, and go see what this about" I remarked before stretching up a little bit and heading out.

" Yeah, sounds like a plan". After we freshened up quickly, we headed towards the classroom to find out we are the last to arrive.

After sitting down and waiting for 5 min. Father Gascoigne entered the class, looked at all of us before nodding and announcing.

" Alright boys and girls, let's get this over with as soon as possible". Father Gascoigne said.

"It's that time of the year again where we give our exorcist trainees a chance to test themselves to see if they're compatible with the relics stored in the Vatican"


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As he said this, he pulled our a small device and pressed a button. As soon as his finger pushed down on the button, the wall behind him let