Chapter - 19

Now that I really focused, I was feeling some sort of new energy in me, more potent than even my life-force, and it seems to be supplied from my halo to my body and wings, I can feel I'm capable of generating it, but at very low rates, so this must be Telesma huh, it really is on a different league from all other types of energies I have encountered. In fact, from what I am able to gather, it seems that using it to create my beasts will make the process way way easier, more efficient and faster than ever.

Thinking about it, I opened my status and was actually surprised by how much it changed.

[ --Name: Samuel Willis


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--Race: Pure Angel

--Physical body: Half-ultimate class without Touki ( Mid-ultimate class with both Touki and Venom)

--Energy reserves:

Mana/Holy power: High-ultimate class ( Practically infinite due to the grail's energy regeneration rate being impossibly large)

Telesma: High-class ( Equivalent to low Satan-class in power cause of its quality but takes 3 days to regenerate when completely depleted)

--Power: Rune magic (Master), Water magic (Advanced), Lightning magic (Master), Light magic (Grandmaster due to being connected to the Sephiroth), Holy sacraments (Grandmaster due to being an angel), Barrier/Sealing magic (Advanced), Dark magic (Grandmaster due to being connected to the Qliphoth)

--Skills: Acting (Advanced), stealth (Advanced), Internal energy manipulation [Mana,Holy power, Telesma] (Grandmaster), Senjetsu (Intermediate), Swordmanship (Master), CQC (Master), swordmanship (Master), spearmanship (Advanced), marksmanship (Intermediate)]

Looking at all of this, I just stood up and tried to compose myself from all of the excitement I was feeling about the power I now has in my hand.

After which I asked the system.

' System, shouldn't you be blocking any and all mental interference if I didn't want it?'

[ Yes host, and before you ask, yes I indeed can block God's system from monitoring you so you don't have to be afraid of mind reading, brainwashing or becoming a fallen no matter what you do] hearing this, my grin turned so wide it started hurting but I couldn't care about that, but then I remembered something else.

' Hey system, why isn't the mission completed? I already am comparable to a Satan-class being, not to mention I have 4 Satan-class beasts at my beck and call' to which the system answered.

[ The mission will only be completed when the host officially become a Satan-class without counting the sacred gear, so in your current case it's gaining another pair of wings] hearing this I jst nodded, since it won't really be that hard to reach Satan class in atmost 3 years, the only reason why I am not actually one is because I was not yet attuned with my domain as an angel. As I was thinking about all this, the door of my room was opened and Gabriel standing there.

" Good morning, I see you are already awake. So how are you feeling?" she greeted me and asked after she took a seat near the bed where I was sitting.

" I'm used to waking up early, and yeah I'm fine, more than fine actually" I answered as I start twitching my wings, making her smile.

" Well then, we would have liked to have you tour in heaven but you still have your mission so we won't be stopping you. By the way, we would like for you to conceal the fact that you became an angel, you can tell it to your close one's but we just don't want the whole supernatural to know about it yet" she asked, to which I just nodded.

" Well then, good luck on your mission and I hope you will come back soon so that we can do our tour in heaven" Saying so, she pointed at me making a magic circle materialise under my feet which quickly teleported me away.

Domains, spar and plans

(MC pov)

The Abyss in and on itself doesn't have a certain definition, but in the bible, it is a common reference to a great bottomless pit where demons and evil souls are imprisoned, with its keys in the hand of the Angel/Demon known as Abbadon, and it is the place from which the Beast will emerge and in which he shall be sealed. It is also commonly believed to be another name for the Underworld, the realm of the dead and demonic beings.

But in the Kabbalah, Da'at, a synonym of both knowledge and the abyss, is an unofficial 11th sephirot where all the other 10 meet of the tree of life meet, but it is not truly one of them. Properly, Daʻat is not a sefirah, but rather is all ten sefirot united as one.

Nevertheless, Daʻat is sometimes counted as a sefirah instead of Keter, from the perspective of finite creation, using Daʻat to represent the "reflection of" (the "inner dimension" of) the infinity of Keter. Thus, Daʻat appears in the configuration of the sefirot along the middle axis, directly beneath Keter.

It corresponds to the image of God.

Thinking about this, it is indeed ironic, when you consider the fact that the Qliphoth, is also known as the tree of the Underworld, and the fact that in the ritual, all 10 angels, representing the 10 Sephirot indeed joined in one point and entered in harmony, for this ritual.

As for the Deep, well, it is a more broad concept. The Deep, also known as Tehom, was the mythological cosmic ocean of Bible cosmology, covering the earth until God created the firmaments to divide it into upper and lower portions and reveal the dry land.


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The world has been protected from the cosmic ocean( In this case the dimensional gap) ever since by the solid dome of the firmament. In this sense, it is often compared to the Sumerian's Tiamat.

It is the region in which the biblical monstrosity known as Leviathen resides, or in other interpretations, it is the same as the Leviathen, which is considered as the symbol of water. Also, in the Kabbalah, Tehom is also mentioned as the first of seven "Infernal Habitations" that correspond to the ten Qliphoth.