" Well then, Valerie Aphelion, welcome to the ranks of the Heavenly Host, glad to have you join us" to which she giggled a little before answering.
" Glad to be a part of this. " after that we just proceeded to get her familiarised with holy energy, flying, God's system, etc.
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And with that half a month quickly passed like that, after which, I finally was able to locate another one of my goals, this one unfortunately won't be as lucky as the last one.
(Location: England: Golden Dawn)
Golden Dawn is a Magician organization that was founded by William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott and MacGregor Mathers, who was later reincarnated by Sirzechs using 2 bishops. It mainly deals in modern magic and it's one of the most famous Magician organizations, but is relatively new as an organization.
Its most famous students in the original canon was Le Fay Pendragon.
Strolling out of this place was a a beautiful girl with a foreign face, with a beautiful and fluffy face, auburn hair and blue eyes. From her aura and the fact that she just ventured out of the Golden Dawn headquarters, one can conclude that she is a student in there.
As she was strolling through the town, I was just following her using Yata as I have been doing for the last month, looking at her, you wouldn't imagine that this girl will be the cause of one of the biggest crises in this country in the future.
That's right, this girl here is Meredith Ordinton, a Magician born from a member of the British Royal Family and his commoner lover. She is the wielder of the Longinus: Alphecca Tyrant, also known as the Unparalleled Crown of the Abyss one of the 5 newly discovered Longinus.
The Iron Crown of Lombardy was a legendary relic connected to Christianity and is said to contain the nails that pierced Jesus Christ. The relic was said to have disappeared and according to the Grigori, incorporated into the Sacred Gear system, becoming a new species of Longinus.
Alphecca Tyrant originally manifested in a possessor who used the ability of the Longinus to brainwash an entire town in a European country. When the Three Factions became aware of it, they tried to negotiate with the possessor but they couldn't reach an agreement as the possessor committed suicide.
Later it manifested in the hands of Meredith, after which Britain attempted to conceal the information about the Longinus manifestation in Meredith in order to monopolize its power.
However, Meredith made contact with the Alliance of Hell, an alliance of powerful evil gods such as Loki, Hades and Angra Mainyu, who seek to destroy most of the supernatural who taught her how to control and use its power, in which she then used the Longinus to control various Sacred Gear possessors who possessed control and illusion type Sacred Gears, as she began to take control of the British political and business world. MI6 attempted to stop her, but due to the assistance of the Alliance of Hell, she was able to repel the attack and control the MI6 Sacred Gear users.
Now, most of this events didn't happen, as she is still a 10 year old girl who is very angry and bitter about why she isn't accepted in the Royal Family. Originally I intended to use DABIH-CRYSTALLUS, to just basically mess with her mind and make her totally loyal to me, reincarnate her as an angel and have her become my follower.
But then after meeting Valerie, I realised something, all the 4 Longinus that fall under the category of the holy relics give their weilder an absurd mental protection, and since we are talking about the one that actually specialises in this, well I was quick to scrap that plan.
For this, I will just be extracting the sacred gear and letting her go. Originally, I actually wasn't sure that I can extract a sacred gear without killing its weilder, but now that I have a better version of the Sephiroth graal and a deeper understanding about the principles of life and souls, I'm confident that I can extract any sacred gear as long as its weilder didn't achieve balance breaker yet without killing them.
And so, I quietly slipped out of Yata's crow, thanks to the fact that I planted a shadow soldier in it beforehand and quietly entered her room where she was sleeping, her foster Magician parents not present, since they usually leave this 2 days to themselves leaving her the only resident of the house. Of course, being a Magician's house they have multiple carefully put barriers all around, but using NATRA-CINEREUS's fog, I just casually phased through them as if they didn't exit, before reaching her room and phasing through the wall to make sure that she is indeed asleep.
After which I just casually slipped into her room, and then used some dark magic to keep her unconscious as I took her and telported us to a floating workshop in the dimensional gap, which is another one of my beasts and act as a base of sorts for me to do a lot of my experiments of any kind, magical, scientific, human and supernatural ones. It's as quite the big place, the size of a big castle with its enourage of buildings, but its mostly inhabited by golem and homunculus I created using the the Kabbalah in my attempts to master both the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth and create life without the use of my sacred gear, and I was partially successful.
As I laid Meredith down in the centre of the altar, I summoned the holy grail and activated the array, allowing me delve into her soul to see a circlet of gold and jewels fitted around a central silver band. As I started supporting her soul with the grail, I started carefully switching all the binds of the sacred gear from her to me as I don't want it to either harm her or let it slip to the reincarnation cycle, after several minutes in which her soul has started breaking down a little but was repaired thanks to the grail, I finally finished the procedure, after which I made sure to see if she remembers anything before sending her back.
Then, I stood up and began to feel my not so stable connection to the sacred gear which I quickly corrected using the holy grail and then I started powering up the sacred gear using Telesma from my domain on the abyss, making the sacred gear react violently as it begin to mutate and solidify its bond to the abyss before finally materialising in the world as a second halo around my normal one, looking like a star with a lot of tips pointing out of it, and as I felt my connection to Abyss finally be completed, I felt another pair of wings emerge from my back, making the total 12, and my Telesma reserves finally reaching the ultimate-class levels.
Looking at all of this, I just relished in the feeling of the Abyss and all that's connected to it: The dimensional gap, the Underworld, the purgatory of souls, the 2nd heaven, the depths of the sea and others like that, I just sighed a little before summoning back my wings and materialising 3 big nail-like projectiles made from holy aura, and made them emerge from the ground around me.
But then I sat down and reached to the most important thing, and the main reason I even decided to collect this and the other holy relics. I began to feel the inside of the sacred gear and soon extracted a piece of seemingly endless shining light, looking at it I summoned a similar one from the holy grail that I found in the Sephiroth Graal.
" The remnants of the will of God, huh. But they don't seem have any will in them.
The only thing they do is drive believers crazy and brainwash them. But then again, maybe they aren't meant to have any consciousness.
From what I gathered, it seems that the True longinus is only able to unleash its true power when the weilder gathers all the holy relics, I guess this is the main reason why. " murmuring this, I just put each of them back in its place before making sure that everything is OK with the castle and teleporting back to Valerie in Spain as we will be going back to the Vatican and introduce her to the kids.
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But I'll be keeping her identity as the Sephiroth Graal secret since the only ones that know about it are the 4 Great Seraphs and I asked them to keep it a secret which they agreed upon, since I remember very well that there were traitors in heaven that I will be weeding out sooner or later, and to not notify Rivezim and make him jump on us when we are not ready for him.