Sunniva and the Scroll of Archanographica

Several weeks after Sunniva was transported into the world of dominance, the Arcanographica scroll intrigued her more than anything else. It was the key to unlocking something deeper—a power that had shaped this world for centuries. She managed to obtain a copy of the scroll from the historian's office, and now she sat alone in her room.

Before her, spread out on the worn wooden table, lay the ancient scrolls. The ink twisted into forgotten symbols—symbols that no one in this world could understand. But now, she could.

Her hands trembled slightly as she traced the edges of the scroll. What lay within these words could turn the tides of kingdoms. But for Sunniva, this wasn't about ruling or power for power's sake. It was about survival. And in this world, survival meant holding onto secrets no one else could even dream of uncovering.

She had spent weeks decoding these runes using a method she knew well from her own world. While historians like Leon and Marco wasted time analyzing every curve and connection in the symbols, overcomplicating the meanings, she approached it differently—simpler, smarter. She had once cracked Jejemon writing, which to the untrained eye appeared like nonsensical garble, but with enough familiarity, the chaos could resolve into something simple and coherent.

It was exactly the same here.

"They think everything has meaning," she muttered, shaking her head as she glanced over at the historians' copious notes. "That's their problem."

Take the symbol '4,' for example. In this world, historians had linked it to countless interpretations—spirituality, the four elements, or even unity. They drowned in theories. But to Sunniva, it was as simple as Jejemon. Just like how the number '4' in her world's cryptic language meant 'A,' here, the '4' stood for something just as straightforward.

She smirked. "It's all about context."

Where the historians might see '|Ⲡ 7#3 ᗵ❍ⲅ𝖫☥ ❍= ☥❍ᗶ1Ⲡ4Ⲡ☽3' as a dense and obscure phrase, Sunniva saw its structure for what it was—a puzzle easily solved once you stripped away the unnecessary complexity. Like in Jejemon, where '7' could mean 'L,' and '2' could form part of 'R,' the symbols here in the Arcanographica shifted based on their usage. They weren't static; they flexed, depending on their purpose.

"This scroll isn't as difficult as it seems," she whispered. "It only becomes complicated when you try to read too much into it. The real challenge is how to read it. Some parts are in a chaotic order, while others follow a straightforward top-to-bottom format."

Sunniva's eyes flicked rapidly between symbols as she pieced them together. She'd cracked another sequence—another layer of the scroll. The historians were looking for hidden meanings, while she was stripping everything down to its bare essentials. The patterns emerged, familiar and manageable, and she could feel the thrill of understanding settle in her bones.

She transcribed the work and organized it according to the right order.

1. ᑶ❍ᗵ3ⲅ, ᗵ34𝖫7#, 4Ⲡ☥ 𝖫❍ᐁ3. ʘⲠ𝖫𝖸 7#3 ᗶ16#7𝖸 ☥ⲅ46❍Ⲡ ☽4Ⲡ 7ⲅⵡ𝖫𝖸 #4ᐁ3 4Ⲡ☥ 𝖫3=7 83#1Ⲡ☥. |, ᗵ#❍ ❍8741Ⲡ3☥ 7#3 =ⵡ7ⵡⲅ3 4Ⲡ☥ 7#3 ᑭ457, 𝖫3=7 4 ᑭ13☽3 7❍ ᗵ34ᐁ3 7#𝖸 ᑭ47# 47 7#3 3Ⲡ☥ ❍= ᗶ𝖸 83471Ⲡ6 #34ⲅ7.

Power, wealth, and love. Only the mighty dragon can truly have and left behind. I, who obtained the future and the past, left a piece to weave thy path at the end of my beating heart.

2. 𝖫❍ᐁ3 ᗵ17#❍ⵡ7 ᗵ34𝖫7# 15 #4ⲅ☥, ᗵ34𝖫7# ᗵ17#❍ⵡ7 ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ 15 ᑭ❍❍ⲅ, 4Ⲡ☥ ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ ᗵ17#❍ⵡ7 𝖫❍ᐁ3 15 ᗵ34|<. 〒#3 ᗶ16#7𝖸 ☥ⲅ46❍Ⲡ =❍ⵡⲠ☥ 17 7❍❍ 𝖫473. 𝖫❍53 =❍ⲅ3ᐁ3ⲅ 4Ⲡ☥ 𝖫34ᐁ3 7#3 ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ 5❍ 6ⲅ347 7#47 Ⲡ❍ ᗶ4Ⲡ ☽4Ⲡ 3ᐁ3ⲅ 74|<3.

Love without wealth is hard, wealth without power is poor, and power without love is weak. The mighty dragon found it too late. Lose forever and leave the power so great that no man can ever take.

3. ᗵ34𝖫7# 4Ⲡ☥ ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ 7#47 𝖫❍57 7#31ⲅ ᗶ34Ⲡ1Ⲡ6 45 7#3 ᗶ16#7𝖸 ☥ⲅ46❍Ⲡ 𝖫❍❍|<3☥ =❍ⲅ #15 𝖫❍ᐁ3 7#47 𝖫❍53 =❍ⲅ3ᐁ3ⲅ. |, ᗵ#❍ 6ⵡ1☥3 4Ⲡ☥ 3Ⲡ7ⲅⵡ573☥ 175 ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ, =❍ⵡⲠ☥ 7#3 ᗶ34Ⲡ1Ⲡ6 ❍= 𝖫1=3 8ⵡ7 ᑭ4𝖸5 ᗵ17# ᗶ𝖸 =❍ⲅ3ᐁ3ⲅ.

Wealth and power that lost their meaning as the mighty dragon looked for his love that lose forever. I, who guide and entrusted its power, found the meaning of life but pays with my forever.

Now that she managed to transcribe the first three scrolls, she then combined them with three scrolls that the historians had already transcribed.

4: ᑶ❍❍ⲅ ☽#1𝖫☥ ᗵ#❍ 𝖫❍53 7#3 ᗶ34Ⲡ1Ⲡ6 ❍= #15 𝖫1=3. Ͼ4Ⲡ'7 347, ☽4Ⲡ'7 5𝖫33ᑭ, 45 1= ☽ⵡⲅ53☥ 1Ⲡ 7#3 ᑭ457 𝖫1=3. ᗵ17# 7#3 ᑭ❍ᗵ3ⲅ ❍= 7#3 ᗶ16#7𝖸 ❍Ⲡ3, ᗵ3 𝖫❍❍|< =❍ⲅ '7#3 ❍Ⲡ3' 5❍ 4 ☥33ᑭ 5𝖫33ᑭ ☽4Ⲡ ❍ᐁ3ⲅ☽❍ᗶ3. 

Poor child who lose the meaning of his life. Can't eat, can't sleep, as if cursed in the past life. With the power of the mighty one, we look for 'the one' so a deep sleep can overcome. 

5: ᑶ❍ᗵ3ⲅ 7#47 5☽4773ⲅ3☥ 1Ⲡ 3ᐁ3ⲅ𝖸 ⲅ34𝖫ᗶ ᗵ#3Ⲡ 7#3 6ⲅ347 ☥ⲅ46❍Ⲡ 𝖫❍57 #15 #34ⲅ7 4Ⲡ☥ ᗶ1Ⲡ☥. @ 5ᑭ4ⲅ|< 5ᑭⲅ❍ⵡ73☥ 4Ⲡ☥ 𝖫34ᐁ3 83#1Ⲡ☥ 4 Ⲡ3ᗵ 𝖫1=3 7#47 =❍ⲅᗶ3☥ =ⲅ❍ᗶ #15 ☥351ⲅ3.

Power that scattered in every realm when the great dragon lost his heart and mind. A spark sprouted and leave behind a new life that formed from his desire.

6: 𝖫❍57 5❍ⵡ𝖫 ᗵ#❍ 𝖫❍❍|< 7#𝖸 ᑭ𝖫4☽3, 74|<3 4 ᑭ13☽3 4Ⲡ☥ 6ⵡ1☥3 ᗵ17# 4 6𝖫1ᗶᑭ53. 𝖫37 7#3 6ⲅ347 ☥ⲅ46❍Ⲡ 6ⵡ4ⲅ☥ 𝖸❍ⵡⲅ ᑭ𝖫4☽3 4Ⲡ☥ 17 ᗵ1𝖫𝖫 5#❍ᗵ 𝖸❍ⵡ 7#3 ⲅ16#7=ⵡ𝖫 5ᑭ4☽3.

Lost soul who look thy place, take a piece and guide with a glimpse. Let the great dragon guard your place and it will show you the rightful space.

The passage slowly revealed its meaning as the words came together under her careful gaze. Even with all her knowledge, she couldn't fully understand what the scroll was trying to say. It spoke about love and power, both hidden away, maybe because they were too dangerous to be left in the open. If someone found the artifact and learned how to use it, the balance of power in the world would change forever.

And yet, it could save her.

Sunniva leaned back, the thrill of her discovery pulsing through her. Every word she unlocked made her more dangerous. It wasn't just about staying alive anymore; it was about staying ahead of everyone else. With every stroke of her pen, she became more valuable, more irreplaceable. As long as no one knew how much she had uncovered, no one would suspect her true intentions.

"They think this is all about power," she said, a faint smile playing on her lips, "but they have no idea what's buried in these words and what's the proper order."

Rolling up the scroll, she let out a long breath. Tomorrow, she would continue. I may be able to decode more, but I still don't understand some symbols. Tomorrow, she would decode more, and perhaps—just perhaps—she'd find the key to escaping this world entirely. But for now, she had to stay in the game, and no one could know how far ahead she already was.