The Fallen Gems 3

"Ah, ah wah wah!"

After tripping and falling on their butts, they realized what was odd about the ankles of their altered suits.

The ankles were fixed in place to keep them extended toward their toes and the toes were angled inwards.

There were no heels at all, so they could not run or even stand up.

They could not hope for even a temporary escape like this.



They could only cover their breasts with their hands, sit on their butts, and bring their knees together to hide their half-naked bodies.

The top of their boots dug sexily into their plump thighs as if to show off how flexible their skin was.

The suddenly provocative clothes the Sparkling Star Gem Magic Knights wear make the two girls desperately worked hard to hide their exposed skin.

The lusty gazes of the boys stabbed into their soft busts and the scornful gazes of the girls licked up along their butts.

(Ahh… e- everyone is watching!)

Their outfits had been altered to expose their skin to the curious eyes of their classmates.

Star Rubina, aka Nanato, was so embarrassed that her face and skin were flushed and her mind was too flustered to think.

Meanwhile Star Sapphire, aka Tomoka, kept her cool better and suggested a solution.

"L- let's untransform for the time being!"

In the past, retransforming would return their torn and dirtied suits back to normal and they would regain some of their power.

So it might work this time too.

"I- it's worth a try!"

Their Dress Up Jewels appeared in their hands, but Black Diamond chose that moment to speak.


Both of them were unable to move with their transformation items in hand.

"Wh- what!? Why!?"

"I can't move!"

"I had a feeling you would try retransforming. Now, hand over those items."

The enemy had predicted their actions.

And with the Evil Star Demon bondage suits on, they had to obey her command and hand over the transformation items that supplied them with their power.

"N- no… ahhh!"

"I- I will never hand over- kh!"

Their bodies moved against their will and placed the precious items in the evil general's hand.

Now they could not detransform to escape from these embarrassing outfits.

The general smiled confidently with the two jewels in hand.

And she made a dreadful announcement.

"Let us begin the most wonderful 13 days over which your greatest treasure – your everyday lives – shall be utterly destroyed. Today is Day 1. Ah ha ha ha ha!"

"D- destroy our… everyday lives?"

Was she going to harm the others as well?

It was a horrifying thought.

Their confusion must have been palpable because Black Diamond smiled in a sexual way while casting magic on their items.

"These Dress Up Jewels were born from your own lifeforce. Ah ha ha, how beautiful. So any magic cast on you through them will have a powerful and indelible effect. You can never escape the magic I am about to cast on you. Not until the day you die. Ah ha ha ha ha!"

Black lightning ran through her palm and the transformation items were given a strange new shape.

There was a lock at the top and it looked likea bestial claw were grasping them from behind.

"This is a type of seal. It allows the Evil Star Demon magic to pass directly to your bodies. Now, stand up."



Their bodies obediently followed the command.

Perhaps because it was an order, they kept their balance perfectly despite the lack of heels requiring them to stand on their toes.

Standing up exposed their ample breasts, their round butts, and the pure slits, so everyone's gazes focused in on them.

(Th- this is so embarrassing!)

The lustful gazes felt almost painful on their bared skin.

"You two are good friends, so let's place these sealed items on to each other."

Nanato and Tomoka were ordered to equip their partner with the item that was preventing them from resisting their enemy's magic.

"What!? Why would we- kh!"

Rubina placed one around Sapphire's neck and the long-haired knight placed one around the short-haired knight's neck.

They had accepted the transformation items from each other and the sealed locks were attached to their collars.

They wore revealing mesh bondage outfits with locked collars.

They had completely fallen into the enemy's hands now.

"You will now be sent into the depths of sexual depravity and be remade into Star Demon Lord Dark Hole's carnal vanguard. Ah ha ha!"

"C- carnal vanguard!?"

They were both shocked, but when Black Diamond gave an order, their bodies obeyed against their will.

With their breasts and crotches still fully exposed, they walked out into the center of the schoolyard where everyone was gathered and got down on all fours.

"N- nooooo!"

"Not while dressed like this!"

They tried to close their legs, curl up their backs, and lower their butts, but their bodies betrayed their intent and instead spread those legs, arched those backs, and stuck their butts up.

Gravity increased the apparent size of their busts and made them jiggle to show off their softness.

The Star Knights's embarrassing pose increased the arousal of the boys in particular.

Their footsteps rang out as they gathered around behind the pair.

"Look, look! You can totally see the Sparkling Star Gem Magic Knights's pussies!"

"Hell, yeah! I have always dreamed of seeing this!"

Their out of control fingers spread their labia to reveal the beautiful virgin pink hole hidden inside.