_ Will Save You

I arrived at Luis's room, pushing the door open with a creak. The air inside was filled with the scent of medicinal salves mingling with the sterile cleanliness of the space. His caretaker surely was doing her best.

 The room was as quiet as ever, except for the rhythmic hum of the machines that surrounded his bed. 

And there he was, Luis, looking as pitiful as ever. His body lay in the same limp, uncooperative posture it always had—his head tilted slightly to the side, saliva dripping unceremoniously down the corner of his mouth onto the pillow. 

God, this was so heart-wrenching to watch. One would think I'd have gotten used to it by now. 

"Morning, champ," I said, stepping into the room. My voice echoed faintly off the high ceilings, filling the emptiness. 

Luis didn't respond—he never did—but had never stopped me, had it? I bet he always looked forward to my visits. I was literally the only one who genuinely cared for him.