As the days gradually passed August came closer and closer to perfection in his basics in mana manipulation. By meditating regularly he was able to concentrate all inner mana. Since the inner mana was limited by birth, in order to use magic one has to increase the quality of his inner mana by positive energy, to manipulate the mana in the surroundings.
It was like the poles of magnets which can be changed to the same and opposite according to user's will. Therefore in order to make use of mana in the surrounding one has to conquer his inner mana first.
Now after years of meditation it was about time for August to receive his first official lesson.
About his lesson lady Silvia gave her son the basic information regarding the elements present around them :
[ There are three kinds of particles around us
* MATTER - (all the things consuming visible space)
* MANA - ( non visible matter particles charged with positive energy: makes magic possible)
* Scion - (non visible matter particles charged with negative energy ; few but dense)
Mana particles are most important in order to use magic while the other two are raw materials or absent from the process most of the time.
One has to gain control over inner mana by positive energy of stable mind which comes from meditation in order to successfully use magic.
The shortcut to skip the hardwork of meditation is to use incantations or spells in which words are set in a definite order to produce the desired effect. Most of the mages use that kind of technique since they are unable to manipulate mana around them based on their imagination purely.
The only downside for them is that incantations are lengthy, most of the time and will not function if not spoken correctly. So for using magic with incantations one has to be the whole spell memorised and spoke with clarity. ]
August being able to use silent casting was now able to create water from vapours surrounding by manipulating mana around it. Fire and wind spells were also working for him at a small amount.
Since there were too many elements to work with at surrounding one have to chose an attribute to master it. Most of the time beginner mages use to choose whatever element they could use as their attribute since it was not possible for all people to work with more than one element.
As for his mother she had an Ice type attribute and father had his attribute as Fire type wielding an ancient weapon, the sword called ' flamebearer '.
But in his case, August seemed to have no problem in using water, fire, wind along with some minor spells also.
As good he was doing in magic, combat training wasn't going much bad either. His father fixing his stances so many times managed to make his movements seemless enough. Not perfect but it was too good for a child of his age. Even though his parents were the one surprised to see their child making progress at an early age.
During his free time he used to play with Shelly very often as he got well acquainted with her. She was like an older sister to him, whether it was playing with him or taking care of him she was dependable.
She wasn't very good at magic but possessed an exceptional talent when it comes to combat training. Because of that she used to train a lot hoaning her skills in whether it was hand to hand combat or weapon based. Due to her strength she preffered heavy weapons over swords.
It was good for August as she was his first friend in this world, caring on top of that. Shelly's having a caring attitude towards August was because of her brother who died at an early age. Due to that she used to see him in August.
Therefore whether it was to train, study with him or cook for him when he felt hungry she used to do that all happily. August also liked her cooking very much.
With the passage of time their bond grew stronger and stronger.
A child who seemed always lost in himself, never talking to anyone unnecessarily. That shy and nervous child got a friend who was polar opposite to him.
Apart from all of this August had a serious concern in front of him as his headaches were getting more severe and out of his control, up to the point that he was unable to hide from his parents. It wasn't that his mother and father didn't knew about his condition but there wasn't any cure for it. Rather than a physical pain it seemed to give him mental pain often leading to hallucinations. A same dream kept repeating again and again which he used to forget upon waking up.
As August continued with meditation it helped him upto a certain extent. The pain became manageable but the dream and the voice kept repeating as if some woman is calling his name.