Due to the illuminating star striking at his heart, August woke up suddenly. Drenched in sweat, feeling extremely thirsty, he stood up putting hand on the left side of his chest - he inhaled deeply.
Shockingly there was no pain or anything, despite of his prior state in which he fell unconscious, now he was not tired - August felt like waking up from a good night sleep. To his surprise, it was the next day.
' what ? Was that a bad dream ? Was I hallucinating ?
What did that man do to me ? Well, i don't feel anything weird. So that was a dream afterall. There's no chance that was real, I've had these kind of weird dreams lately, so what I can remember this one.
Ah.. nothing comes from overthinking. ' August thought as the moments he saw kept running in his mind. '
August didn't tell his father or mother about the pain he gone through last night and thus ignored the dream. A few days later in the morning, while eating breakfast, his father asked
" so, what have you thought about the future, son ? Are you going to study magic formally by a teacher or else ? "
" Yes father I want to keep studying magic further, but as you know i haven't found my attribute yet, so I was thinking about joining the ' imperial magic institute ' for higher studies. " August said as he watched his father's expressions changing from relaxed to somewhat worried. August thought he would probably be denied the admission in institute - that his father won't allow it judging by his reaction.
To his surprise, Lord Vellion said " ah the one in the capital. It's okay, you can study where do you want. So when do you think of enrolling in that institute ? "
" I haven't thought that yet, as I'm lacking so i should focus on my basics first, and I also don't have experience about anything outside of this town, so maybe ...or can I go on an adventure or something?"
August said indirectly asking for the permission to leave the town and see outside world.
It's not as if he was not allowed to go outside the town but because of his immense concentration in learning magic, and the zeal of his for a particular goal, the thought of going to new places never fancied his mind. August was a child who didn't care much about anything besides the place and people of his own. And he was not a type of person to be excited over going to new places either.
The fact he wanted to go on adventuring was to become stronger, to gain real life experience of harsh outside world.
The moment his father was about to answer his question there was a knock on the door.....
" Welcome, long time no see... How have you guys been ? " Said lady Silvia welcoming the guests.
A tall muscular man looking like a giant accompanied by a girl with slender physique entered. Dressed in combat ready gear. " We are good ma'am, thank you for asking " said the muscular man in his deep and heavy voice while smiling. " Please sit while I prepare some tea for you guys " said lady Silvia.
" Ah!.. greetings my lord " bowing their heads to his father said the guests. " No need for formalities, we are old friends after all " said his father. " You humble us my lord " said the man with his chivalrous tone.
" Ah.. son these are my old friends, Red ( the man ) and Reneir ( the girl ), we used to adventure together back in our days..... And you two, this is my son Augustus. " Said Lord Vellion introducing them to each other.
" Ah! So this is the young lord, I've heard a lot about you from Victor, nice to meet you." Said the man with joyous nature while a smile on his face as the girl behind did a nod. Judging from their behaviour they were polar opposite of each other.
In the moment of reunion they were telling stories of their various adventures to August together with his father. Listening to them, the time they spent together, facing various monsters and beasts August was interestingly lost in their stories.
With the further conversation, they told about them heading on a dungeon raid. Apparently there were rumours about monsters waves coming from a dungeon which was said to be dangerous enough to be called as ' unconquerable ' dungeon. As August heard them going on a dungeon raid his eyes began shining from excitement, staring at his father with the intent of expressing his desire to join them.
Thinking about how dangerous this mission was Lord Vellion tried his best to avoid the excited - piercing gaze of his son, but at the end he couldn't keep that act of his going. As he asked Red and Reneir about allowing August to adventure beside them. With the conflicting emotions in his mind Red asked
" but my lord this is a very dangerous raid, how could we possibly take him with us knowing that his life would be in danger. "
" That is true this mission of yours is extremely dangerous, but according to what you've said it's about three months of a journey from here. I request you two to allow my son to accompany you in your journey, he wants to gain real battle experience and become strong. As for the dungeon, I can't myself allow him to go inside that. " Said Lord Vellion as he shifted his gaze towards August making him sure of his decision.
" But sir, i can't possibly say which type of monsters we might encounter on our way, we can keep him outside that dungeon but the journey isn't any less dangerous. " Red said with the worried expressions on his face.
" Oh! My friend, how can one possibly say which kind of danger you will encounter, I am on the same boat as you, i myself don't want my son to face danger but the boy wants to learn more, getting stronger and aquire the real life experience is only thing he wants. This might help him grow and maybe he might be able to find his attribute as well. And also you don't have to be so worried, August is already stronger for the children of his age. Trust me when I say you don't have to worry about him. He can protect himself. So what do you say ? " Said Lord Vellion looking at August and subconsciously telling him that he had done his best to convince them.
" Umm..... ( Looking towards Reneir as she gave him a nod with a satisfied look ) If you say he's strong, i believe you - he is your son after all. " Said Red as they agreed to take August with them on his first adventure.
The heart of the young boy was filled with excitement. Late at night :
" No! How can you allow our son to go on a
dangerous journey ? " Said lady Silvia while expressing her disagreement with her husband.
" It's because he wanted to go on an adventure and experience the wilderness himself. You know how sad he's been not being able to choose an attribute for himself, so i thought it might be a good chance for him to try various things and decide what suits him best on his own. And I can't possibly send him alone beside Red and Reneir are experienced adventurers, he will be safe with them. " Said Lord Vellion while confronting his wife.
" I know how skilled they are but how can I not worry about our only son. What if he got injured ? "
" Injuries are a part of adventuring " said her husband.
" Do not worry my love, he will be alright August is not a child anymore he can take care of himself. As his parents we have to respect what our child decides for himself. Besides he will only grow stronger in the wilderness. Trust me he will be safe. " Said Lord Vellion giving his wife confrontation.
" Okay if you say so " said his wife agreeing - putting her head on his shoulder sitting against the fireplace.
After some moments of silence, breaking it she said with a subtle Voice
" when are you going to tell him about ' that ' ? "
Judging from the worried - turned face of her husband, wrapping her arms around him she said
" it's okay if you don't want to, we can just....."
Closing his eyes in despair he said
" No.... He deserves the truth, I will tell him after his return "
While passing from outside, August overheard their conversation as questions regarding - started to raise in his mind. Suppressing the unwanted thoughts, lying on his bed, with the conflicting emotions he had trouble sleeping on that night.