With the first light of the Sun in the morning, a party of three adventurers continued their journey, as they entered the dense forest called as ' the triglades '.
People call it ' triglades ' because, it consists of three types of tree varieties. Most commonly found in those areas oak trees -- long, messy with gradually decreasing density of theirs from bottom to top --pine trees and last but not least, the trees responsible for giving a specific colour to the forest in the Autumn
-- the maple trees.
Reaching somewhat deep into the forest, the young rookie was surrounded by his overprotective - experienced party members. Things were going pretty smoothly so far.
They managed to cover more distance than they previously thought without encountering any forest beasts. Relieved by their smooth journey up until now, expressing his joy he Red said
" I can't believe we haven't faced any danger so far, i think those merchants really made this forest route safer "
The girl carrying an expression of dissatisfaction on her face said with a strict tone
" we aren't safe yet, don't let your guard down "
Agreeing with his companion, the man resumed to be careful. After walking the whole day, they found a spot near a lake to set up camp for the night. It was really a successful day so far, without having to face any unnecessary danger, they were able to cover more distance.
Also the encounter with even smaller beasts comes with their own disadvantages-- like injuries during the fight, not to mention, fights happen to be tiring unnecessarily. So as far as they were concerned, the day was a success.
But it doesn't necessarily mean that they were safe. Even though they were not very deep into the forest, there were many predators who were used to hunting at night, even for the sole purpose of killing if not hungry.
The countless trees surrounding them give out a beautiful appearance, was nothing but to deceive the prey, so that the predator lurking in the shadows could attack its target after letting its guard down.
After the meal, keeping the fire burning to scare away smaller threats, August was sleeping soundly. Sometime after, he woke up looking for his sword as he heard strange noises coming from outside of the tent.
To his surprise August found his two companions fighting Ino - bear : a bear-like creature with two horns from the side, growing from below the ears. Roared as he was attacking with his thick paws, capable of delivering a blow of brute strength, good enough to smash a normal person to death, beneath it.
But the people fighting him weren't ordinary, they were the ones possessing great combat skills after facing countless monsters like him or even stronger.
Throwing its paws carelessly at them he was roaring in rage with his eyes glowing reflecting the moonlight in the darkness. Dodging it's attacks without breaking a sweat, the girl concerned for his safety, in the middle of combat said
" Go inside, it's not safe here, August "
Not afraid for himself he said being hesitant to distract her " but... trust me Reneir, I... can help ".
Red keeping the bear busy with his moves, Renier said having a moment to speak
" We are enough for this beast, so don't put yourself into danger "
With this dodging the bear paws, closing the distance between them Red punched the beast in the face but even after putting so much strength behind his attack the monster didn't even flinch.
Renier on the other hand was busy preparing the spell as she completed the incantation :
{ By the blood of the sun and the heart of the earth,
I command this fire to unleash its worth.
Let it consume, let it ignite. An eternal blaze, a soaring light! }
followed by it, the fire started concentrating above her palm, putting the beast into burning pain as she targeted the bear with it.
The monster roared while burning, distracted by its pain, Renier, moving stealthily with daggers both in her hands, severed the beast continuously as she closed the distance between them.
While she was keeping the monster busy, Red after concentrating for about a minute, summoned a mighty long sword suitable for someone like him.
' oh! So he uses a sword huh ? '
Assuming the stance, Red shouted to let his companions know " Reneir I'm ready "
Continuously pushing the beast back with her daggers she managed to corner him, backing off as she heard her companion giving the signal.
' aaa..die.....you monster....' he rushed to the beast, shouting along the way, hitting the monster with his sharp sword Red managed to cut its neck off with a clean strike.
Proud of himself for a second he stood there admiring the lifeless blood spilling corpse like an art, wearing the smile with his unfathomable pride like a badge of honour.
Reneir started to skin the corpse of the monster to obtain the priceless fur of it. Slicing some pieces of meat she started to grill it on the fire.
Proud of themselves sitting around the fire facing August they realised the expressionless face of his. At that moment of victory even the person who had experienced battle would be excited but to think a young child wasn't even fazed by their performance. Red, it was clear from his face that he was concerned about the young boy not getting excited over his victory - but according to common sense he couldn't ask August directly, there was a risk of being more disappointed or even more, embarrassment.
On the other hand, August was struggling with his emotions as he was barely keeping himself from laughing out loud.
' what were they even doing ? A grown ass man shouting die...' to kill an enemy weaker than him was the most hilarious thing August had ever seen.
Although Renier wasn't showing anything, but she was also curious about August's opinion about their fight.
Unlucky for her August had an even bigger reason to laugh at her, more than Red he wanted to laugh at Reneir. ' what was up with that huge ass incantation, I'm so cringed right now '.
Everyone was barely holding their curiosity in, without speaking a word to each other Renier kept watch, and both the boys got to bed. Not being able to sleep again, August got out to drink some water. He watched the calm lake, reflecting the light from the moon. Small waves slowly make it to the shore interrupting the smaller ones of their own kind.
August stood there, watching the reflection of himself in that clear water as he sat on his knee. At this time one thing was going on in his head, like he was being pulled by himself.
' why is it so beautiful, who is it ? Wait it's me.... I'm being mesmerized by my own face ? How could that be ? '
It was difficult to disturb one's gaze from that young man with not so long dark hair, black eyes with a hint of red shade. Just like August himself. He was him, more accurately, a reflection of him.
As this one saying goes like :
' if you look into the abyss, it looks back at you '
When August staring at himself was about to put his hand into the water in order to drink it, instinctively, August suddenly took a step back. A golden black eye, as big as his head August saw it looking at him.
Aware of him not being lured into the trap successfully, the eye vanished from the water surface. Sensing something strange, Renier came running pulling the boy back and standing between Him and the lake.
" Go back, inform Red and stay in the tent "
Obeying her command the boy ran informing the other companion. Watching from afar - them both standing before the lake in their battle ready stance, August knew the seriousness of the situation.
As he couldn't sense mana nor anything strange from the lake, he knew despite that, there was a threat lurking in that lake, dangerous enough to easily surpass the Ino - bear. But the feeling that he couldn't comprehend wasn't because of that unseen monster. It was how he was able to step back in time, how he was able to not fall in its trap.
' As i remember, I subconsciously was being drawn to that image and suddenly I felt a wave rising in my heart. It was like my heart was warning me, by skipping a beat which felt like a wave. '
As August was gathering his thoughts without thinking more about the unseen monster, it was quite the opposite for his two companions. It seemed like they knew who or worst, what they were up against.
Whatever it was, watching the two veterans shivering, August was able to tell that much, it was bad.....
....very bad.
As it revealed itself, slowly rising up from the water surface, with his sapphire red - shining eyes. Looking at the prey before. The two veterans got a chill down their spines as the worst fear of those two became reality, presenting itself in the worst case scenario.
Standing there as he gulped in fear red whispered with the shaking voice :
" That's him isn't it ? "
Feeling the same emotion his companion, the girl said as she licked her dry lips :
" Yes, that is the giant serpent