After slaying the giant serpent ' Vyrrathax ', August sighed and ran to his companions. Stranger to everything happened, while he was out, looking at that pile of flesh appearing as though sliced with the hands of a seasoned warrior using the finest of the blade, Red asked Reneir as he turned his head towards her in utter confusion
" what...what happened here ? "
With the smile of satisfaction on her face closing her eyes the girl replied " we are saved "
Not convinced by the answer, Red because of his own condition at that time, didn't give much of a thought about it.
Realising that it's just midnight, Red apparently forgot about his pain due to excruciating hunger rising inside him. Without thinking much he took out his dagger and started slicing the meat from the corpse of that serpent.
Who gives a damn about pain and suffering, while facing with hunger. Looking at him grinning while slicing, Renier smiled holding the injury on her waist with one hand. August, returned with the first aid kit from the camp..... They didn't have any healer with them and none of them specialised in healing magic, so carrying a first aid kit was a must.
August tied the bracelet possessing healing abilities, given by his mother, on her wrist to fasten up the healing process. As for the incoming blood from her wounds, he wrapped bandages around them.
It was a good thing that none of them were fatally wounded. Serious injuries in this forest were bound to cause problems as severe as death. Take one step wrong and the person could become target for the beasts who used to follow the trails, smell or some could even sense the blood.
Obviously, even without any beasts around, injuries weren't any good things to have. As soon they were done with the healing, they sat around the fire quietly, as after the tiring night, they didn't have any more energy to spare, with the juicy tender meat of the serpent being grilled on it.
Since there was the essence of the giant serpent
' vyrrathax ' in the air, around the area, no creature would dare to come near the lake. It was the biggest reason they didn't have to be careful or worried about any ambushes tonight.
As soon as the fire went out, Red was sleeping soundly beside it. Renier seemed to be struggling with some kind of conflict in her thoughts.
August, who was sitting right beside her looking at the starry sky she said
" So you meant it didn't you ? ....your desire to experience the new things in life. "
Following her gaze, with a seemingly sweet smile he said " what ? You didn't believe me ? "
" To be honest, I thought of you as some kind of strange kid, uttering his own written theory and presenting it like the philosophy about life.
When I told you that I've met countless people having different opinions, the truth is that more than half of them died during the journey, they seemingly put themselves through. People come -- some for excitement, some to obtain divine weapons and artifacts, some for fame and riches,
but the people who survive the longest in these wilderness are the ones who are desperate...desperate enough to live, desparate to be able to feed their families, and worst of all the people who are desparate to die. " The girl grew silent as she said.....
Scratching the back of his head, in confusion, August asked " how does this connect with me ? "
Smiled as the girl said with the expression of satisfaction on her face :
" Apart from the desperate ones, none of them had the enough power to back their words.....
The other ones didn't have the necessary power either, but the thing that made up for the rest was their will power to them. And so they were able to live another day.
I thought the power I imagined didn't exist in this world but after watching you today single handedly taking down a giant monstrosity on your own, gave me hope -- that the mankind can be powerful..... More powerful.
If you don't mind answering, tell me when exactly you thought that it's time for you to step up ? "
Said the girl staring intentively at the young boy with the curious eyes of hers.
Closing his eyes, recalling the moment he said
" As i watched you two fighting the monster, you seemed very good to me, but the moment I saw the serpent playing tricks on you, I immediately senses some kind of fade magic from it..... At first I thought the situation was under your control, but when I saw it rushing towards you two i decided to step up...
And when it attacked you specially in order to kill you i suddenly felt like a wave rising in my heart as it skipped a beat. That was the moment I was about to lose myself to an unknown power residing in my heart. Getting the hold if myself I was able to pull myself together from that raging fight of power. "
With the sudden change in her expressions, looking tensed she said
" Hmmm... I see, I also felt something strange from you. But i think all is well that ends well. Afterall we are all safe. "
With his smile growing wider he said
" Yes you're probably right "
After grinning in joy sometime, the girl said with a little serious tone
" But August, don't ever lose yourself in front of that power "
After thinking about it few seconds he replied with that same tone
" Yes, I understand "
With the rise of the Sun, a new day came into existence making all the darkness unseen against the bright, warm light of Sun.
After, a sound good night sleep, wrapping up the things, the adventurers were totally prepared for their journey ahead. With more knowledge regarding combat about each other as they continued to navigate the forest encountering and slaying the mid range beasts on the way for almost about two weeks.
After two weeks wondering in the forest following the straight root to their destination, the three adventurers accidentally discovered a long lost dungeon, devoid of life and maybe any treasures appearing as the lowest of low tier.
The two veterans suggested to not going into the dungeon as they thought it as waste of their time.
The young rookie perhaps, seemed to differ. Being a child who hadn't seen a real life dungeon from inside, he got excited, as he was not allowed to enter the unconquerable dungeon in any case though.
The request seemed genuine enough to the veterans, so they decided to give it a try after all. It's not like this low tier dungeon would have more dangerous beasts than they had encountered during their journey into the forest.
Some time passed after they'd entered in the dungeon, without having any difficulty and not encountering any dungeon monsters the veterans were not very surprised to reach the final point this quickly. But the boy was bored, sighing as they reached the final point of the dungeon.
Being bored in frustration the boy said
" Forget about treasures, there isn't even a single spider to be seen Ahh.... It's so infuriating. "
Replying to him patting his shoulder Red said
" C'mon be realistic, what would the spiders even protect here ? "
Passing the same vibes if frustration, syncing with each other the dungeon case seemed to be lost.
Renier listening carefully, as though there was something wrong..... August watching her and leaning towards the rocky platform at the same time located in the centre of the room.
The moment as Renier finally caught up to what was wrong with that dungeon, shouted while trying to grab the hand if August with the surprised expressions on her face.
To August everything became silent and Reneir tried to grab him slowly followed by the same reaction by the other companion, unable to realise what was happening, why were they trying to reach him and in slow - motion besides all.
Feeling himself getting unconscious by the second and as though falling into an endless pit, August lost the sight of them at last.
Finding himself surrounded by never ending darkness as he opened his eyes
' what ? Not Again ? Am I still asleep ? Is it a dream ? '