chapter 1

The world is so clear and bright

It makes you wonder where the monsters truly come from

Everything in this world is made of energy. The quality of which varies. Interaction of two different qualities of energy never ends well.

What if the only thing that isn't related to energy is added to the mix.

The spark of awareness.

What if the chaos born from the collision is given a consciousness?

The clacking of Elissa's heels, as she speed walked down the corridor, was loud and from the looks others gave her, annoying. But she didn't care. Earlier on she had received a message directly from the board of directors to gather a certain group of people and now she was being summoned herself. To her the whole thing felt odd and was making her agitated

Elissa was not normally the type of person who cared about her looks but she always tried her best to look like everyone excepted her to. She wasn't being forced to do it, it was simply her choice. A choice she made to blend in with people, to have a semblance of normalcy and peace in her life.

Her father was of really high standing and had never really had time for her so she spent most time with her mum who was a retired actress. She had never truly been normal because of how she looked and her parents statues.

In looks she had not taken after either of her parents instead she looked more like her mother's mum who was a beauty in her own different way

It's rare to find a blonde dark skinned person and even rarer to see one who was good at it but that was how her grandma was. Tall lean and gracefully endowed her grandma was gorgeous.

Elissa's dad had married her mom solely because he taught it would make his child especially different from the society. He had said it severely that he was determined to go against the whole world which is ironic because his job is saving it and he cares about that more than anything else, so I never really understood what he meant.

The man already had three children before her although one of them was already dead.

Her dad was surprised when she was born. He had expected a dark skinned baby or something else along those lines but what he got was very different from that. Ellisa was biracial and had long black hair. As a baby she was truly a sight to behold and now that she's 26 she's way more. There was not a single day that went by that someone didn't try something with her, to her or worse still, for her. Honestly to her it was a nuisance it was partly the reason for her decision to go join the organisation amongst other things.

She had joined at 21 and as of now she's already one of the most achieved person's in the whole of the continent .

It was why she was being summoned today by the board of directors.

Because they needed the best for what they have discovered can't be handled by anyone less.

She wasn't the only person that was being called to attend the meeting. Infact she seemed to be of the least importance amongst them. So that's why she was rushing, she wanted to show she can be responsible.

On the list where all people with high significance to this branch and five operatives.

Neil was already a star In the organisation.

Blake was as strong as he was arrogant.

And the other two were complete unknowns but if they were attending they most be of large significance.

'this must be something bad. Something that requires at least four of the best? It must be cataclysmic'