We don't say welcome

' Asia is the largest continent in the world based on... You know what I don't care and it's not important. The point is it's big. So it's divided into about 23 countries,states whatever the f*ck you want to call it. 15 of those are run by clans, which are just overly invested families, and the rest is called Furyo.

I was born there. Furyo is basically the second largest place in the world that has a mix of all races. So where I grew up things were really hectic. If you don't know what you're doing there you'll probably get robbed by your tour guide.'

I technically don't know who my parents are, technically. I know that my mom is an elf and my supposed dad's a shouki. I don't really get the mix because I'm neither of the two species. I mean my ears are as human as they get and last I checked I don't have a tail or wings, so yeah I don't resemble either of them. I guess that's why they saw it fit to abandon me, in a brothel no less'

pause looks up thinking

' Now that I think about it, I was probably born there or at least one of my parents worked there. Yes men work in brothels too, especially here in Furyō. Back where I'm coming from anything was allowed and nobody cared. It was the ultimate place to describe survival of the fittest. In Furyō no one was your friend. They'd soon rather steal your undies than say welcome.'

The boy seemed to be grinning while recounting his tales to the, rather nonchalant bartender. He was not legally allowed to drink yet but he was still going to do it, at least once before he's arrested.

Earlier today he had been foraging for food in a rather affluent neighborhood. It was something he was used to doing but not in this part of Asia. He had forgotten that in the rest of the world there were rules that others required you to follow. When a bratty teen threatened to call the police on him he didn't even flinch, he had learnt how to smell a bluff a mile away. He looked at the teen, shrugged then went back to eating an almost full chicken that someone had dumped.

The teen wasn't used to not being feared and he was definitely pissed about it, so rather than call the police he tried to beat the boy with an iron rod. The boy just dodged and deflected each swing all the while not dropping or looking away from the chicken.

The teen got enraged and went into his house, at that point the boy was done eating the chicken. So he walked away, but before he could get far the annoying teen came back out with a gun. Pointing it at the boy he started threatening the boy. Not wanting to get shot he played along really peaved about it though. At a point the teen started to shoot at the ground for no reason. Caring about his life, the boy tried to bolt, running straight forward in the direction the teen was backing. Getting closer to the boy the teen started firing around him shouting for him to stop. Clumsily the teen lost control of the gun, at this point a normal person would remove their finger from the trigger but the teen didn't care instead he continued to shoot at random, the boy having already passed the teen continued sprinting in the direction of an alley way that would get him out of the area. But before he could reach he heard a scream once and then the bullets stopped. Only after he was almost out did he turn back to see the boy laying dead on the ground.

While at the bar he recounted the exact same thing to the bartender.

" Umm... Okay. How do you intend to pay for that ?" The bartender asked looking a bit skeptical. With his hand already reaching for the emergency button.

" You know what, I really should have come to this side long before now. I mean I'm 14 how did you expect me to pay?"

Already having hit the automatic lock button the bartender asks dumbfounded

" 14 ?"

" Yh, just cause I'm a little tall doesn't mean I'm in my twenties already. Plus why did you lock the door."

Streaching his hands out he drops are a single dollar on the counter "Now please can you open the door?"

" If you're fourteen and don't have a job how did you get cash to pay"

" Well if you see a dead man that obviously has cash on them won't you take the money, not just to confirm his life status but to give it to the living?"

" Hmm. Okay fine. the doors are open"

" Thanks so much "

" Ooh it's not a problem, just doing my job"

The boy already by the door turns his head to reply

" Ooh not for the bear, I was referring to listening to my story without alarming the cops "

Now outside he has to think of how to handle the situation.

' I mean I don't suppose the other rich people in that area haven't reported to the police already' immediately he turned the next bend.

" Your hands where I can see them!!!"

The police had come with guns and there was four of them. He could probably handle the people but four guns was his life.

Hands up, he grinned

' I'm soo fucked '