To kill whatever claims to be unkillable first one most level themselves to that state and second one must acknowledge the law of imperfection that governs all things and finally recognise the flaw in the targets method of achieving immortality. These were the thoughts running through Blake's mind as he charged down the stairs.
Without a moment to waste he grabs the receptionist.
" Why hasn't the hotel been evacuated yet!?! Can't they hear the noise from the fight I've been having!?"
The receptionist seemed confused
" The room you were directed to has sound proof walls and door and as of now no one is on that floor, sir is there something wrong?"
She asked with agitation on her face.
" Forget it. Where's my axe?"
" Your friend took it "
" Dammit where is that b*stard!!!"
Blake was momentarily stunned. He looked behind him expecting to see the damn roaches behind him but alas they weren't there. From the sound of it, they weren't even coming.
' What's wrong can't dey chase after me or something?'
With the same speed he used to climb down the stairs he used to bolt back up.
Skittering to a stop in front of the room he surveyed the situation.
All the roaches were facing the glass wall as if expecting something.
The glass wall had already received a lot of cracks on it and in some places it had broken through, but the whole wall was yet to completely crumble.
The reptile was also looking outside like the rest but it seemed to be agitated by whatever was coming.
Blake looked around for something to use to finish the reptile of with but all he saw were the already melted tools he'd used earlier.
' my fist will have to do till he gets here '
Approaching with measured steps he reached behind the reptile.
With as much force as he could muster he slammed down his fist.
The reptile was incredibly slow normally so it's reaction time was virtually in the negative.
" Argh! " Blake groaned as he quickly removed his hands from the broken back of the lizard. The roaches were already preparing to attack but Blake didn't mind them he was sure he could take two or three hits no problem, ' as long as they don't use teeth I don't mind '.
The reptile was trying to use it's pores but nothing happened, Blake had successfully destroyed whatever it used to control them.
Swinging his arms down again he intended on finishing it.
Just then three things happened simultaneously.
He was rammed by three of the roaches another had bit his calf, he missed fatal but still damaged the reptile significantly and the wall broke.
Neill jumped in, without a moment in between he attacked. Blake was relieved for a moment but then remembered something.
" They don't die immediately when killed"
Neil looked at him confused, he had already sliced four in half.
Looking back to the roaches he saw something odd. Each of the parts he'd sliced were regenerating. In a moment later their were twelve roaches in the room.
The roaches seemed pissed and charged him simultaneously, even the ones that had attacked Blake dislodged and bombarded Neil with attacks.
Neil in defence sliced each of them again.
Diverting his eyes from the twenty four regenerating beasts to Blake.
" How do you kill them?"
" I'm not yet sure but I have an idea, where's my axe?"
Nudging his head towards the window Neil turned back to face his adversaries.
Blake was injured but he didn't behave like it, with a large amount of finesse he walked to the edge, looked down, dislodged his axe then smiled.
' payback is much deserved '
Walking over to the half dead reptile he stomped on it's head twice and watched as the corpse turned to steam and vanished.
" I have an idea"
Neil who had switched to the defensive couldn't look back and respond but he still managed to nod his head.
" Try slicing them to bits then squashing the tiny pieces"
" That's a lot of work"
Neil said
" It shouldn't be too hard for you "
Neil didn't hesitate he started to slash with incredible speed, his crystal had already been destroyed so he was in peak condition already.
Blake had refrained from using his crystal throughout.
As the severed pieces started trying to regenerate, Neil stomped on a group of them. After a while he saw the steam escape from beneath his boot.
" It seems to work"
With that the duo started to dismantle and crash the damned roaches.
Two left. By now the roaches have been trying to escape but Blake was on defense and sending them to Neil's side for disassembly and Neil would simply move on to the next one so Blake can crush the tiny pieces.
It was exhausting but they managed.
" Unkillable roaches my a*s "
Blake was grinning although he was the most roughed up but he seemed to also be the happiest. Neil just looked at him questioningly.
Neil himself didn't have a scratch on himself except that his foot was seriously sore as his sneakers had burnt up a while ago.
The duo walked straight out of the hotel not looking back even when the manager threatened to call their superiors.
Blake was content that he'd gotten to kill something especially something that was almost unkillable.
Neil was just content, not caring about the hotel or the creatures he'd destroyed.
Neil thought about it for a moment then decided to report the situation to the chief immediately.
It didn't take long to explain what had happened, although he skillfully avoided saying that he had gone for tea. The chief only asked him to submit a statement and report by or before Monday.
" How did you know to step on them?"
" Huh. Ooh that, meh I just figured since knocking them about wasn't working I should just crush em like the bugs they are"
Neil stopped and looked at Blake.
' damn, this guy '