Time is simply a matter of perspective it is that which no two people could experience the same, yet it has a general principle, constance. At every point in time the past and future exist simultaneously, they are just a matter of perspective.
" It shouldn't be difficult to determine by now what I'm going to say to you"
She looks at Kruger for a bit then goes back to pacing behind her seat.
Kruger couldn't bare it anymore, even the view had turned stale.
It had been an hour and through out the period the lady in front of him had given him three riddles, two paradoxical statements and a whole lot of irrelevant things.
" Is there a point to all this"
She stops
" Ooh yes, I called you here for a reason." Saying it as if just now realising she hadn't gotten to the point
" Well I thought you were enjoying the view, I mean everyone likes it"
Kruger didn't reply, he wanted to avoid leading of into another unrelated topic.
" Ooh well. Don't be a sour puss. The three dimensional projection of the sea behind me is a really good view and I'm sorry if you don't't enjoy it "
Kruger got up.
" With all due respect, Ms president, my presence is required for other things elsewhere. Whenever you realise what you want to say I'll be at your beck and call"
Moving to reach the door.
The president waits for him to open the door then stops him
" If you leave and fail to do what I've already signed you up for you'll be de ranked or worse, I guess you might be kicked out."
After reaferming her superiority, she takes her seat.
Kruger looks back, closes the door but doesn't leave his spot.
The president's smile has vanished and now her beautiful face seemed to relax. It gave her a new sense of beauty, an even more threatening expression. An expression no leader should ever have, nonchalance.
" As you are aware of, the beasts spawning rate has increased by a whole twenty percent over the last three years. It was predicted by our scientists that it would continue until. Well until combating it would be pointless.
From what I can gather the quality of the beasts have also gone up?"
She looks at Kruger expecting an answer.
" Yes, Ms president"
" I understand you are on that specific case with the aid of exclusive backings, so it's of little concern to me. I'm assured you can deal with it. But that, brings me to what I've thought of. We can now longer view the beasts as waste to be discarded, we have to weaponised them, tap into them the same as steel."
Kruger was already seeing where this was heading.
" Are you saying you want to use them as an energy source or as a weapon "
She looks at him and the second most unwanted expression for a leader to have is on her face.
" Why not both. My scientist have turned beasts into energy before and we continue to use them in the cyclical national generator, but, what if we could use them directly, to combat each other. They would be made to control their own population. "
Kruger tries to intervene but is stopped by a quick continuous and now louder, Ms president.
" I don't like to imagine or be creative it's what dumb or useless people do but, can you see it? A world where those damned pest aren't our problems anymore. "
" With all due respect, imagination and creativity are also done by the smartest and the most insane people.
Do you understand the level of panic you would get from the people if you added those, things! to the defense line?
It would be chaos, the people would only see monsters and the damage they cause. I agree that in a couple years the beasts would have been evolved but so would we, I just came from one of your factories and the things they are making are revolutionary. Blades that can..."
" Blades aren't if this age"
" Cannons, that could bring down a mountain!
A whole variety of technological devices that do exactly what you want to use the beasts to do."
" What's your point? "
" We don't need the beasts, I understand your point and your idea but how do you intend to control those spontaneous devils!"
" You don't seem to see it but I don't mind, the decision's been made."
" By who"
" By your president "
" So of what purpose am I here, Ms president?"
" The scientist needs to run more experiments you'll be needed to retrieve specimens for them"
" Capture during battle is hard especially without help from other countries "
" That is why you aren't capturing from battle.
The location you would be retrieving the specimen from has a higher probability of success than Field capture it also saves time"
" Wait!. No. How. No. You don't mean?"
" Of course I mean, the black islands. The isolated residential area for all the beasts that have ever been captured."
" How do you expect survival. How are those chances more probable"
" You ensure your survival yourself, and they aren't but success probably of the scientists success earlier is. Don't bother with questions, you'll be briefed by the rest of your team mates. Yes you have a team, a unit if you so prefer. Each of whom are seasoned veterans. "
" And who would be leading this expedition "
" I said no questions chief. But that's a good one I hadn't assigned leader yet, I guess you get that job. Now you have more lives to secure. A comprehensive list will be given to you by tomorrow of all the specimens you are required to obtain "
Before Kruger could gain his bearings. Ms president walked through a door and left.
' damn, this woman. I'm happy her terms ending soon '
He gets up and leaves the way he came
He receives a message on his way out.
' you have four weeks to prepare... ' the message contained other things but Kruger felt it could wait.
' I'll deal with this tomorrow. For now, I need to get sleep'