chapter 29

Two days after the oath several changes have occurred.

Usually all the shades stayed in the dorm region of the island until an instructor called out a list or you had chores but immediately after the oath the shades were no longer restricted on the island. They were given schedules and everyone was divided into a specific unit.

The frequency of the gong also reduced.

The only bad thing that came from the changes was the new punishments.

Before the worst that could happen was chores but now punishments for whatever is deemed an offence ranged from being taken to the other side of the island alongside chores to having to stay two whole classes with Mr dark.

No one could survive that.

The few people who had already been punished that way would testify.

Cly was in a sour mood today. Last night he had gotten his schedule and he didn't like what he was seeing.

' how do I have to suffer through this every week! Monday's and Saturday's are the worst. I have a whole period of two hours with dark!

That bastards going to kill me.

Who ever came up with this is either a bastard or has a grudge against me'

Cly was completely dumfounded when he realised that almost everybody else had only once a week of his period.

At least his unit wasn't all that bad.

There are 456 shades on the island, the groups are a total of 24 which meant that there should be the same amount of people per group, but the instructors decided that they would assign it differently.

In some groups they were 19 and in some 8.

The highest number of people in a unit was 25.

Cly didn't know wether more people was good or bad but he was at ease with his average unit.

' I really should familiarise myself with my unit members. I don't even know what we would be doing together '

Still contemplating things, cly was on his way to the big house. Yesterday, before he'd gotten his schedule he was supposed to be in a with Mr dark but because he hadn't gotten his schedule he missed it and dark was furious.

' I just hope I don't get to spend extra time with the guy man '

He shivered from thinking how many push ups he'd do if he got stuck with that as his punishment.

Jester was busy so he didn't want to spend too much time on assigning punishments.

He looked at the shade in front of him and shook his head.

' dark had been on my ass about giving this guy a ridiculously hard punishment. He even considered that I should give him extra time.'

" Hmmm. I've decided that you are to blame for missing a period, but. It would be really funny if I let you off easy, just imagining the look on dark's face is priceless.

You have also done well not to interrupt me so, just go help out at the workshop."

The shade sighed then thanked him and left.

' I can't help a good joke '

Jester watched the boy walk away then burst out laughing.

' I'm sure both of them won't expect it'

Cly was happy with his punishment. Not just because he only had to help out but from what he's heard, the workshop isn't a big punishment.

' I mean it's only Nathan that's said it but still it has to be a useless punishment for no one to ever get it '

After a while cly stopped walking.

' I'm just realising that I don't know where that is '

After some thought he went looking for Nathan in the classes. He eventually found him and luckily he'd just finished a class.

" Hey Nathan"

Nathan turned to look around, glanced at cly then continued to look around. After a bit he shrugged and kept walking.

" Nathan!"

This time Nathan had an odd expression on his face, he looked around, glanced at cly but still pretend not to have seen anyone.

Cly not having the energy for his jokes comes up to him and aggressively taps him on the shoulder.

" Ooh!" Nathan jumps back frightened.

"Were you the one calling me before?"

Cly looks at him for a moment then rolls his eyes.

" No it wasn't me, there was an invisible beast that happened to be intelligent and know your name."

Nathan sighed

" You don't have to be rude about it. Besides I have something on my mind "

" Like what "

" Have you ever noticed how smooth and round miss mortia's ass is"

Cly whacked him on the head.

" I don't have time for that "

Nathan however, was laughing.

" What aren't you a guy? You have to have thought about it at least once "

Cly rolled his eyes

" I don't sexualise women, ever"

" That must be it. It would explain why you seem so out of it most times"

" I'll have you know that I can be very humourous when I feel like it "

" Mmhm, you couldn't laugh even if a kid fell on his face in front of you "

" Why would I, that's just mean"

" I know your not more than fourteen and that's younger than me but you keep talking like your already an elder or something."

" Well I already look the part so I should behave like it as well. Hm!"

" So what do you want? I know you don't look for me unless you want something so what is it."

" Umm, I feel like I'm being accused of something. Anyways I got caught yesterday so I'm being punished right now..."

" Ooh god!!"

" What?! "

" Am I your punishment "

Cly couldn't help but slap his forehead.

Nathan Just started to laugh out of control.

Cly looked at him with disdain

" It's not that funny "

Nathan straightened himself. From his face you could tell he was really amused.

" How so "

" Sigh, never mind that, I need to go to the workshop any clue where it is?"

" Yh it's on the other side of the island, just after the waterfall"

Cly started to quak. He didn't show it much but he was terrified.

He had heard tales that Mr caster roamed the other side of the island, he'd also heard that he was worse than dark.

But that wasn't what truly scared him, it was the realisation of what was going to happen.

On the island their were four instructors, each for a different purpose. Jester ran the whole show, Ms Mortia thought same with dark but, no body knows what caster does.

' could it be him I have to help in the workshop?

The loner who could torment people just for kicks. Of course coming from the other side of Asia I shouldn't be too scared of rumours, but still. What does he do all by himself?'