the incredible tale of poncho and the beast.

" it wasn't that hard. I mean..."

Poncho late yesterday evening had wanted to pee but being shy about peeing outside, something he'd never admit, he went looking for a private place to get done with his business.

Then he remembered that the kitchen had a toilet behind it.

Poncho was a dwarf yes but he wasn't slow like most of his kind. Years of competing for things with seventeen other relatives had thought him to be exceptionally quick on his feet. So when his bladder started to nag him with the urge to pee he had bolted towards the bathroom.

He crossed several meters with as much speed as he could muster, not regarding anything else no matter what it was. So by the time he reached the toilet and was peeing he was just noticing that somewhere along the line his shoe had been recked.

After finishing his business he started to search for what had destroyed his shoe.

It was his favourite pair of shoes so he'd be damned if he didn't discover how it had come to be destroyed. As he searched he discovered that a large trail of something being dragged in the ground was visible.

He was acclaimedly not a dummy so he came to the conclusion that something was running about ripping shoes up and the tracks were the evidence.

The level of proposterousness to the story was unbelievable but people still wanted to know how he'd killed the thing.

Poncho had followed the tracks for a long while then at some point realised it was going in circles. Feeling that the circle thing was a ploy used to decieve him, he turned around to follow it on reverse.

Then to his utter suprise something was behind him.

Whatever it was seemed tired and was barely dragging itself to keep up.

Poncho had approached it to clearify what it was.

He squared down and looked the thing in the eyes.

When he realised it was a beast he somehow determined that he'd been stepping on it since and that was why his shoes were recked. With his belief well grounded in his dumb mind he proceeded to make sure there was evidence and placed his other shoe in the creatures mouth.

He then looked for the largest object he could find and proceeded to beat the beast.

As he did so several of its teeth fell of.

Poncho was starting to get tired so he looked for something even heavier and proceeded to continue beating the beast.

Then the beast attacked him back which made him furious. He had never been attacked since when he was three and all his brothers stomped on his head several times in the process.

His tough skin protected him from the attack but his clothes were damaged.

Feeling even more aggrieved he opened the creatures mouth and attempted to shove dirt inside of it.

His hands started to burn but he didn't care he wanted to get the thing back.

He filled it's mouth ensuring that it couldn't launch it's dastardly projectile teeth again.

Then he picked up his log and attempted to wack it again but somehow his log was gone.

He was now boiling mad not only had the beast destroyed his favourite shoes and his clothes but now it had recked his favourite log.

He went broke out ceramic from the toilet and proceeded to jab at the thing until wisps of smoke was coming out of its body. Only when the creature was dead was he satisfied.

All the shades looked at poncho with their mouths agap they couldn't believe what they had just heard.

Utter silence wasn't even opressive to them, right now their minds were trying to decipher the code that they'd just heard.

Until Reagan scoffed and looked at the smiling instructor.

" Sir do you know where the beast is let us go kill it before lunch, it is clear that dwarf has spoken only one truth and doesn't wish to say another "

Jester Couldn't believe it himself.

He burst out laughing.

He even started to cry.

' never in my life have I heard something like that '

The shades were looking at both jester and the obviously lying shade and they were trying to determine how they ended up with such people on the same planet as them.

Jester looked at all the shades and started to settle down.

' hurmph no class the rest of em, can't even get a good joke'

"I'm sorry class but it's either. He's telling the truth or the person who killed it died with it. Cause I'm sure it's dead"

Jester burst into another round of laughter.

After he told them that the next two days will be spent fixing up the place.

He gave them all chores and left.

' damn I have a new killer joke for that stoic caster'

He couldn't stop laughing to himself even as he left the shades behind