Self Identification is the greatest challenge teens face in their lives. It follows some people up into their adult hood. Operatives that didn't know who or what they were to themselves tended to die earlier. There isn't a definitive way to discover one's self and sometimes it doesn't Really require anything.
But the knowledge of oneself and their complete person is vital for all.
By now classes had begun again and cly was back to his schedule.
The instructors behaved as if nothing had happened and that the drastic reduction of shades in their classes weren't a big deal.
Miss Mortia never really cared about the shades before now but as of after the test she had become a totally different person.
She was lively asking people questions and things like that.
Cly's period with her was with his whole unit and his unit wasn't a whole lot right now.
Originally eighteen his unit was now down by three.
Ms Mortia was explaining to us how best to use our environment in combat and materials that could be weaponised on short notice.
By now our legs were getting used to standing but it still hurt like hell.
Cly was trying to focus on class but the whispers all around him where making it hard for him.
He was hearing gossip from the members of his unit about Nathan.
Somehow he was being praised as the brave hero who slayed the tentacles beast.
That wasn't the only thing he was hearing.
All around him amongst the fourteen other people in the room he could hear tiny snippets of whispered conversations.
People were praising Kris for the plan and ensuring Reagan's success.
People were saying Reagan was Nathan's dog and the same people were thinking of him as hot.
The worst of it all was that even poncho was being mentioned as having played some part during the test.
He couldn't focus, he was getting jealous.
Back in Furyō he had been trained to always claim credit when it is rightfully yours.
He bent over to get closer to two girls talking about Nahashka.
" You know I helped hold the thing down for hours before she came"
The two stopped and looked at him then snickered.
One he had learnt was named victoria spoke.
" Sure you did, I'm guessing you sat on it till she came?"
Her and her friend went back to their discussion.
Cly was getting pissed.
' how are these people that were grieving just yesterday have this sort of gall?'
Mrs Mortia turned and faced the class.
She had such a stern look on her face that everyone shut up on sight.
" Do you even know the defining factor of a shadow? If a shadow in training has this much popularity then they are failing. They won't last a day on the field. Credit is over rated, the only type of reputation or rumour that should be heard about you is your viscioness, your threat level. It makes you truly stand out."
She stopped and faced the marker board she uses to explain things.
But she isn't done yet.
" The true meaning of a shadow isn't a good leader, it's an adaptable blade."
After class cly was thinking about what miss Mortia had said.
' an adaptable blade. What does that even mean?'
So far cly couldn't come up with a suitable interpretation or application of the phrase yet.
He was heading to the workshop to ask Mr caster about it.
He wasn't going there because he liked the guy, he had respect for the guy, sure but the reason was because he was the only predictable instructor who was sure to answer your questions.
' he'll probably be glad to see me'
" Get out."
Without even waiting for cly to get in the room completely he had already shut him down.
Cly wanted to object or at least explain himself but he wasn't given the chance. Soon a large rench hit the ground Infront of his foot.
The voice from within the tunnel resounded like a malevolent god.
Cly didn't want his head split in two. He had seen things like that and sure as hell didn't want it for himself.
As he walked away from the workshop area he continued to think about it.
' why am I even bothering with this stuff it's not like I bother with the actual things she teaches us. Wait a good student takes note of both the informal and the formally given previously unknown information. Should I also take note of what was left unsaid.
Like she had said that a shadow shouldn't be recognised as a leader.
Hmmm, ooh!
I see, she meant that one shouldn't be restrained to one method.'
After realising what she'd meant cly experienced a different type of dread.
' if one was to be that malleable then won't that person require a solid foundation for their methods to rely on?'
Nathan could learn to use people to achieve any goal, Kris could think up a means to achieve whatever aim and both Naha and Reagan could inveriably do whatever they want.
' I need to ask them how they do it. How they figure out what they are good at. I know it's only once that they've been tested but, I have to at least keep up with them regardless of wether or not it was dumb luck or bravery'
He knew that Nathan was probably in the dorms and so was Reagan as they were in the same unit but he wasn't going to head in that direction.
He wanted to find Kris and or Naha.
' those two are the most flexible and capable.
I should ask them first so I can at least come up with a theory before hand'
Nahashka was easy to find.
She was one of the few people who liked crossing over to this side of the island.
No one was restricted in movement anymore but people still didn't like getting to this side of the island or near the river at all so most people avoided it but for some unfathomable reason Nahashka seemed to have gotten fond of it, a thing that cly wouldn't have known if he hadn't seen how she navigates the area and if he hadn't asked while they were doing chores together.
Today Nahashka was surrounded by people.
It was strange to see because cly hadn't figured her to be the social type.
He approached to learn what she was saying and get a better look at who had deared to cross the river.
As he got closer he heard snippets of the conversation.
" Seriously?"
A tiny squish voice asked.
" Yeah, and it wasn't that hard, some guy was falling on his butt to keep it in place"
The group burst into laughter it was then cly realised who the people surrounding Naha were.
' damn nymphs, and Naha didn't give me any credit I mean I did most of the work!'