The Cartwright family and Anderson family have maintained a solid friendship and professional relationship for years and the fact that they are not financially equal has not prevented them from maintaining their friendship and getting along perfectly. As the years have passed, their relationship has become stronger and more solid and that has caused the number of people who are envious of the friendship relationship between the two families to grow considerably. Both families did not enjoy all their fortune, because they gave half of their fortune to charities and also donated to hospitals and organizations that are responsible for defending women. Together they have built kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities; on the other hand, they have saved shopping centers, restaurants and bars from certain ruin. They were all grateful to them for helping them save their own businesses. But not everyone was happy with how generous they are and one of them is the Bowman family. The Bowman family has always criticized the way they waste money, instead of sharing that money with them. They have always felt inferior to others, marginalized, always separated from everyone and have never socialized with anyone. Seeing that, both families get along perfectly, has made hatred and all negative feelings grow in them considerably.


 They have always looked for ways to harm both families; either by lying or by blaming them for crimes they did not commit. Despite the unsuccessful attempts they have had to damage the relationship of both families, it has been of no use to them; since, the friendship relationship that they have maintained for years has become stronger and closer. Little by little, the Bowman family has earned the respect of both families and in less than a year, they became great friends. At the beginning, everything was going perfectly, without problems, they did not have any kind of confrontations, but very soon things between them would change and forever.