To fulfill one of the wishes of their grandparents, Nathaniel, Megan and Vanessa, they went with their family to Paris and after that, they went to Mykonos - Greece.


They had insisted on their respective husbands to travel with them, but they could not because of their jobs and because they had started to study International Business, such as Post - Graduate.


"Regardless of the time, please, do not hesitate to call us, we will be waiting for your calls and never forget that we love you very much," said Nathaniel, kissing Sookie tenderly.


"We know it and be calm that we will be fine, loving you as we have never loved you and definitely, we will miss you a lot", answered Sookie, returning the tender kiss to her husband.


"We will leave, but we will not be calm, until we have them with us and once we are away, our lives will be a real hell," said Vanessa, hugging Tony tightly.


"We also thought it would be our lives, without you," Megan said.


When the time came when Nathaniel, Megan and Vanessa had to leave, they were feeling immense pain in their breasts, because they had to leave their husbands in Cape May.


At the time, Tony, Loui and Sookie were at their jobs, they saw how the undead were chasing people, to eat them and among the undead was Cherie Claymon and Emmett Baker.


They got several people into their businesses and locked everything up and started filming everything. Seeing that things were getting worse, they decided to go out to put a stop to this monstrosity and asked the people who were inside to, under no circumstances, leave the doors open and not stop filming.


They came out with shotguns, swords, knives, submachine guns and pistols and began to kill them, with a single shot to the brain.


How they saw that there was no way to stop that the way they were doing it, they began to set fire to all the undead that, luckily there are not many and the few, someone took them, leaving the streets free of undead .


And how there were reporters in the helicopters, they managed to film everything and they did not stop talking about the bravery of Tony, Loui and Sookie. When they saw the reporters, they knew it meant trouble for them.


The three cousins ​​did everything to get home as late as possible, because they knew that their relatives and husbands would call them and they did not want to confront them.


It did not matter what time they arrived, because they were already calling them by video call.


"Hello family. How are you? "Tony started the conversation.


"Can you explain to us what the hell all that we saw on television is?" Salvatore yelled, almost exploding with anger and his screams could be heard all over the place.


 "Is nothing. It is already controlled and it is old news ", said Loui, doing everything so that his family is not scared by what happened.


"It's not old news and that happened just today," Navajas said, raising his voice higher and higher.


Seeing that they could not calm them down, they told them, without omitting anything, everything that had happened and showed them what they managed to film.


"Wretches! I can't believe they are achieving their goals and they made this possible, thanks to the money they stole from us. I can't wait to see him in jail, along with all his assistants, "said Sergei.


"We are more than sure that, Emmett Baker is alive and is part of one of the undead," said Loui.


"They can't be serious. Find out and let us know and nothing is hiding evidence from us, "Nathan said.


The moment they closed the communication, they began to investigate thoroughly, to check if it is true that Emmett Baker is alive and if he is, find out everything about him.


They decided to investigate Edward Bowman, without him realizing it and write down what he does on a daily basis, take photos and film it, if possible.


 When they managed to have all the information about him, following him was the easiest of all they had to do and in one of their follow-ups, they realized that, indeed, Emmett Baker is alive.


 While they were in shock, they did not stop taking all kinds of photos, from any angle and everything was going perfectly; until, they realized that they were following him and when they turned their heads, they saw that it was Tony, Loui and Sookie Cartwright.


 They all started chasing them and how the three were on motorcycles, they were ahead and had a huge advantage over the others. But not all of them were in cars, they were also on motorcycles and they started shooting at them and they dodging the shots.


 One by one of the people who were chasing them, they lost their lives, because they couldn't keep up with them and the only one who managed to keep up is Emmett Baker.


 When the four of them were alone and away from the others, they managed to capture Emmett Baker and they told him the whole truth, hoping that he would begin to remember something from his past.



 Indeed, Emmett Baker, began to remember his past and said the following: "Put Edward Bowman in jail, to pay for all his crimes. Swear to me that they will; only then, can I rest in peace, "he said, staring at them.


 "We swear it," all three said at the same time.


 "Thank you," Emmett Baker said, taking his own life.


 And the three fled the place, burning the body of Emmett Baker, so that they do not resurrect him.