You'll Get Used To It

Evangeline stepped onto the Nightshade and her boots hit the wooden deck with a solid thud. She followed behind Anakin and Sereia.

She had never been on a ship before so this was a completely new experience.

"I've never been on a ship," Sereia commented as the ship rocked beneath them, swaying with the rhythm of the waves, and Evangeline forced herself to stay steady. The scent of salt and damp wood filled the air, mixing with the faint scent of rum from the crew members' cups.

"That makes two of us," Evangeline said.

"What about you? Have you ever been on a ship?" Sereia asked Anakin who looked rather steady on his feet as opposed to the both of them.

Evangeline did not think he had ever been on a ship, he had spent most of his life in the desert.

"Well, contrary to popular beliefs, I was quite rebellious as a teenager, I left my father's inn multiple times in the past." He said.