Beast Essence Orbs!

I forgot to add the mnv that Zuriel received from Stormshell from the Bronze rank. Fortunately, it has been swiftly corrected.

This tier has been updated to contain seven chapters. Enjoy!


Zuriel summoned the mana crystals they had gathered from their dungeon, numbering up to a two thousand, two hundred and forty. He pulled out twenty mana crystals and placed them on the floor. There were too many to be placed on the bed, and he had no idea how fast Stormshell's absorption speed would be.

So, Zuriel placed them on the floor if he needed to rest.

Stormshell's eyes continuously darted between the Beast Essence Orbs on the bed and the mana crystals on the floor.

After receiving a gesture from Zuriel to proceed, he grabbed a Beast Essence Orb with his claws and swallowed it. He closed his eyes, feeling the power from the Beast Essence Orb coursing through his body.