Chapter 13

— Why don't you go down the stairs? — Naomi asked, seeing her partner looking out the window.

Gabriel was analyzing the distance to the ground. He knew he could jump without effort; the bigger problem would be climbing back up afterward.

— This window faces this alley on purpose, Naomi. Martha must have chosen this room thinking about that.

— You just want to jump out the window, right? — Naomi asked, exhaling tiredly.

— Is it that obvious?

Wearing a brown shirt that he had torn in a few places to make it look worn, armed with a knife strapped to his heel and another hidden under his shirt, the Crow was about to leave to try to gather some information. He returned to the bed where he had left a Charcoal Pill and the Cat's Eye bottle.

Taking a deep breath, he put the pill in his mouth and swallowed it in one go. He would need it for the night ahead, then grabbed the eye drops. The alley was dark, with the only light coming from the open window of the room. The bottle of liquor was leaning against the wardrobe just below the painting of the cats. Gabriel walked over to it, winking at one of the felines, then returned to sit on the bed.

— How do I look?

— The look is convincing, but you need to smell a bit worse.

— Naomi, my hands smell like blood.

— Stop being an idiot, I'm serious.

— I'll figure it out, — he replied indifferently, heading towards the window.

He threw one of his legs over the edge, letting his body hang for a moment, then looked one last time at Naomi. Holding the bottle tightly, he jumped and landed without any trouble on the ground. The Crow watched as he started making his way down the alley towards the street.

Gabriel turned into a narrow alley that led directly to one of the streets but stopped just before entering because a pile of black garbage bags reminded him of what Naomi had said. Laughing a little awkwardly, the young man jumped twice on the bags—once on his stomach and once on his back. Luckily, the trash wasn't wet, just sticky. Getting back on his feet, Gabriel entered the narrow, unlit corridor, occasionally scraping his back against the wall due to the inconsistent construction, which seemed to have bubbles in some parts. He squeezed through to the street, feeling a few scrapes.

The lit street lamps were a distinguishing feature, he thought, considering in his city, like in nearly all others except for this one and the Bunker, night lighting was provided by candles. Several pedestrians hurried down the street, and the bars that had been empty throughout the day were now packed with customers.

Cities had two faces—the daytime and the nighttime. Almost always, at night, things were more intense, and those who ventured out at this hour were often wary. Gabriel had expected this but was still stunned by what he was witnessing. Men and women walked in groups, many stumbling from the alcohol they had consumed or arguing heatedly. Keeping close to the walls, the young man began his trek.

He had a vague idea of where the first location was, after Guilhermina's detailed explanation of how to get to certain places in the city. Gabriel headed down an alley that smelled of urine, having to jump over a person who was sleeping with their cheek buried in their own vomit. The only reason he knew the person was alive was by the movements of their large belly as they breathed.

Even the houses had electricity, the Crow realized, illuminated constantly by a window, receiving several aggressive looks from the residents. Unlike the first alley, this one had a wider opening leading to the next street, and he entered another relatively busy street.

A group of boys, no older than thirteen, were leaning against the wall of a two-story house, many of them smoking, with the glowing embers of their cigarettes lighting up their faces slightly. They weren't talking to each other. When a man appeared, he chose one of the boys as if selecting something from a display window and took him inside. The chosen boy simply passed his cigarette to his friend, while the man's chubby arms led him to one of the rooms. Even though this wasn't the main area for prostitution, Gabriel thought, the whole city had its smaller spots. He passed by the boys, now being picked by a woman almost as old as Guilhermina, and found himself in a wide space filled with rusting car parts.

The parking lot had almost twenty car skeletons. Gabriel walked between them, heading towards a narrow street in the back, illuminated by a flickering streetlamp, which was about to burn out. Out of the corner of his eye, a movement to his left caught his attention. He immediately turned, seeing a group of people.

Men and women of various ages were sitting between two truck beds, talking and drinking, some sniffing some drug, or rubbing a strange yellowish paste on their gums, making grimaces, while others were sprawled out on the ground, clearly altered.

Sure! Here's the translation of the text you provided:

Ignoring the group, Gabriel walked past the last car entering the street, walking quickly until he stopped. Less than two meters after the lamppost, a couple was having sex against the wall. The man, still moving under his partner, looked at the Crow with a lewd smile, then returned his attention to the woman. Turning around and crossing the parking lot, the Crow returned to the main street, following it. The number of people in the Pit was far greater than Gabriel had expected, and as a result, moving quickly became a challenge. Turning right, where the street was becoming an intersection, a group of people were shouting in a circle while two men were punching each other. Coins were passed from hand to hand. One of the fighters fell, and the other kept kicking his head while the crowd went wild. Gabriel didn't even need to try to remain unnoticed; the chaos was so great that no one would pay attention to a beggar.

People were vomiting while being helped by others who were equally drunk, others were urinating on the walls of any building without a hint of shame, drug use was common on every corner, and you couldn't walk down a single alley without encountering people or groups having sex. This continued all the way for Gabriel until he reached C-3, a place almost entirely focused on drug trafficking and sales. Five-story houses occupied an area spanning four blocks, each one with the large black letters C-3 written on them. Before entering, Gabriel stopped when he saw a Crow talking to two young men.

Even though the Crow was alone, she didn't seem intimidated by the men, who were much bigger than her. This was the first Crow Gabriel had seen that night, but the woman's next move left him in shock.

The group of young men handed the Crow a plastic bag with the same yellow paste that the guy from the parking lot had been using. She looked at the drug, then slapped one of the men, who handed the coins they were carrying to the girl.

Satisfied with what she had gotten, she walked toward a dark, seemingly abandoned house. The men, irritated by being robbed, walked away muttering curses.

Gabriel stopped where the group had been earlier, opened the alcohol, poured a little to give the impression that he had drunk, and took a long sip to mask his sober breath. The grape-flavored liquid burned as it went down, causing the pill in his stomach to swell.

The building blocks were protected by a two-meter-high wall that formed a square around them. The entrance was wide and unobstructed, which was ironic given the wall.

It didn't take long for Gabriel to find what he was looking for. Leaning against the wall, a group of homeless people exchanged a nearly empty bottle of alcohol. The place was so empty they didn't even care to hide.

Without needing to wait, Gabriel approached the group. As soon as they saw him coming, the men stared warily, but when they realized he was alone, they lowered their guard.

"New around here?" asked an extremely thin man.

"Yes," Gabriel answered. "Can I sit with you?"

Gabriel knew well that homeless people generally weren't very welcoming to newcomers, almost like territorial animals, but the bottle in his hand helped the group accept his company. Sitting against one of the posts, he took a long gulp from his drink and offered it to the man in front of him. It didn't take long for the drink to pass from hand to hand.

"Calm down here," he said, pretending to be indifferent.

"The good thing about these druggies," replied a fat man, with hair only on the sides of his head, leaving the top completely bald, "is that we're not bothered. There are places, kid, where they chase us just for fun!"

"Fucking assholes," Gabriel responded, accepting his drink back, which was half full, taking another sip.

"Put assholes in that," continued the bald man. "Here it's just peace and quiet, the junkies stay to themselves, and some even give us drinks."

"I even got some fish cakes the other day!" commented another bearded guy who had been quiet since Gabriel arrived.

"And he didn't give any to us!" censured the skinny man.

"They were fish cakes! No one in their right mind would repeat that," the bearded man explained.

Everyone agreed, and the subject died there. The only sounds in the environment came from the streets of the Pit, which gave the place a macabre air. Now and then, someone would groan from a corner, drugged out of their mind.

"How did you end up on the streets, kid?" asked the bald man.

"Where do I start?" Gabriel replied, having told that same story countless times to many people. "My parents were caravan traders, but I wanted something more for myself."

One thing Gabriel had discovered over the years was that many homeless people were dreamers who tried to pursue their dreams and failed. That's why they ended up living this way. Of course, there were others who were simply abandoned by their families for being a burden or for drug use.

"We've been in this Pit for two months, and I've seen many opportunities," Gabriel continued. "But nothing worked out, and my coins ran out." He pointed to the bottle the extremely skinny man was holding. "You're holding my last coin."

"I understand, kid," the homeless man replied, returning the bottle. "Take a sip."

Reluctantly, Gabriel tilted the bottle back, and the pill in his stomach swelled. That story was useful because it easily gained the trust of that kind of person, the dreamers. Now, he could ask what he really wanted.

"They say there are a lot of junkies here, right?" Seeing the men nod, he continued. "Don't the Ravens do anything?"

"The Ravens?" retorted the bald man, looking at his colleagues who burst out laughing. He himself let out a breath, finding it funny. "Kid, they only come here to either buy drugs or take bribes. A bunch of useless people."

"They get stoned in corners instead of trying to do something about these disappearances!" complained the man who had welcomed Gabriel into the group.

"You can't catch a monster!" replied the man who had said little up until now.

Gabriel fell silent. He didn't even need to bring up the subject; it had just come up, so he would take advantage of this opportunity. The mention of the Ravens looking the other way didn't faze him, but the word "monster" caught his attention. He remembered the bodies from the previous day, and indeed, that was the work of something inhuman. He asked,

"What do you mean by monster?"

"Don't cut to him," warned the skinny man.

"The thing that's taking people," started the guy, completely ignoring the other one, rolling his eyes in disapproval. "My cousin told me! He saw the last attack!"

"What?" asked Gabriel, leaning forward unconsciously.

"He's not your cousin," said the bald man. "Everyone calls him that, but he's not anyone's cousin!"

"They're talking about Marcelo," whispered the skinny man, with his alcohol-scented breath, to Gabriel. "The guy always stops to chat or share some food."

The Raven nodded, turning to the man arguing with the bald guy.

"Do you know where I can find this Marcelo?" Seeing the suspicion on the faces of the three, he continued. "I want to know more about this monster. I saw what it did yesterday to that family."

"Terrible thing," murmured the skinny man.

"I heard it was one of the kids' birthday, and the mother took them out to buy some sweets," said the bald man.

"I heard that story too," agreed the quietest one.

"So?" Gabriel asked impatiently.

"You won't find him around here for a while," replied the bald man. "He works on the Storm's tuna fishing boats, and the ship leaves tomorrow."

Gabriel had to hide his smile. He knew a group that worked on that ship, and he knew where to find them. He doubted he would get anything more from the men, who had returned to arguing over trivial matters, standing up and drawing attention to themselves.

"I'm going to take a piss."

"Go ahead!" replied the bald man.

"And leave the three of you jealous? Better not."

He left the place, hearing the men making indecent jokes about their penises as he turned a corner. Speeding up, he went as far as he could, entering an alley, taking a deep breath and sticking two fingers in his throat.

The black pellets formed by the Charcoal Pill fell to the ground with a moist sound. Leaning against the wall, Gabriel wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand, spitting out the rancid taste that the drug left behind. Taking a few steps to the side, distancing himself from his own vomit, he gathered his thoughts. There was a witness. The monster story was fantasy, but if what he heard was real, it would be a huge breakthrough in the investigation.

Feeling better, the young man left the alley and entered a quiet street. He still needed to go to Pleasure Alley, and that would be a longer walk than the one he was currently on. He resumed his walk, this time not disturbed by the events on the streets; it was amusing how easily humans adapted to brutality.

He saw the Nest in the city center, passing by with its busy square. The Ravens continued to come and go frantically, and unlike before when he had only seen one member of the organization, now he saw them frequently. At every street he passed, a Raven was stationed in strategic locations, like near alleyways or at intersections, and the nighttime movement of the population in that part of the city was growing. Bars and restaurants were full, and he saw children playing, not selling their bodies. Occasionally, someone drunk appeared, but nothing extreme. He continued along the path, but unlike before, he had to stay in the shadows now because he attracted attention. The entire area around the Nest was focused on food, with the air thick with smells mixing in a great orgy of fragrances.

As he distanced himself from the center, things started to get more intense again, making Gabriel realize that only the areas close to the Nests were protected. The city was too large for so few Ravens.

Amid some things, a small wooden sign caught his attention. Throughout the street, several signs were placed in front of houses and buildings. He approached one to read it, using the light from the nearby streetlamp. It read: "Danger of collapse, do not inhabit."

Unconsciously distancing himself from the property, he noticed that he was walking down a nearly empty street. Some parts of the Pit were beyond any patching up. When he left the street, the flow of people returned almost immediately, making him think of the illegal activities that must be happening in the condemned houses.

The number of men and women of all ages selling themselves had only increased. Gabriel was entering the city's den of prostitution. Sounds of people having sex came from the windows of every building, or dark alleys. Neon-lit signs flashed announcing prices, or that a house specialized in some fetish. Gabriel became curious when he saw one with a whip flashing in red light with the following phrase: "Our pain is your pleasure."

The path ended suddenly at a dead-end street; he was really in Pleasure Alley. Heading toward a corner, he began to assess the place, choosing one of the nighttime workers to see if he could find anything about the disappearances.

A four-story building caught his attention. The structure was solid, and lights of various colors came out of the windows and door, the entire building glowing. Grim-faced men stood at the entrance, carrying long knives at their waist. The building's sign in a matte black signboard read: "Hole of Glory." Gabriel found the name amusing, not understanding the meaning. He returned to his search and saw a woman standing against a wall a few meters away, waiting for a client.

Approaching the woman, who was only wearing a skirt with her breasts exposed, he tried to start a conversation. But the woman was quicker, speaking first.

— "I don't care if you're a bum, as long as you have coins." She looked Gabriel up and down. "But you don't seem to have a coin."

— "Is it that obvious that I have nothing?" Gabriel replied, getting closer. "I wanted to ask you something."

— "No coins," the woman said, turning her back on him. "Nothing doing, better leave before I scream and the guards take care of you."

Dazed by the reception, Gabriel stepped away, realizing that one of the grim-faced men scattered around the street was staring at him intensely. He was indeed in a dangerous place.

— "No!!" someone screamed, making the entire street turn to look at the same time.

Down the street, a young man wearing very tight black underwear was being dragged by two men.

— "Don't take me to the Hole!! Anything but that!!"

The immobilized man, crying, was taken into the large yellow building, and as soon as his screams faded, the street returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. Not understanding what was going on, Gabriel approached two male sex workers who were whispering to each other.

— "The poor guy was taken." One said.

— "Yeah, I told him not to get attached to any client, that's what happens when you don't bring in any profit."

— "But he was in love!"

— "Andreir doesn't care about that," replied the first. "Now his boyfriend is being beaten, and the poor guy is going to end up as a toy for someone."

— "You're right, how many have disappeared behind those walls?"

The duo finally noticed Gabriel, who had been listening. Realizing he had been discovered, Gabriel walked straight past them, heading to the end of the street as fast as he could. He had heard something really interesting: a place where people disappeared, and the reaction of the young man being taken clearly showed his terror.

The name too, Andreir. He must be some pimp, Gabriel thought, heading back to the hotel. Two names, and the night had been extremely productive. He returned as quickly as possible without drawing attention, and in less than twenty minutes was back, squeezing through the alley's gap, scraping his back once again.

He entered the place, noticing that the window in the room was open, but the light was off. Using a barrel that was propped against a corner, Gabriel positioned it just below the window, climbing on top and whispering afterward.

— "Naomi, Naomi, I'm back."

His partner's head appeared over him, her long hair swaying loose.

— "Did you find something?"

— "Could you stretch out a hand for me first?"

She bent down but stopped when she smelled him, grimacing as she spoke.

— "First, go to one of the bathhouses, I'll throw some clothes down to you. I also need to tell Guilhermina to call Martha and the others." She went back into the room, leaving Gabriel with his arms still outstretched.

And so, the young man found himself in a dark alley, with clean clothes and a few coins, with explicit instructions: take a bath.