1.The queens chambers

Elara's pov

I was called in by the royal family to tend to the queen , it has been two months and her condition seems to have improved but I still visited time to time to check on her well being.

As a physician, it is my duty to tend to the sick but it has not always been easy.

I finished making up the last brew of herb for the queen and carried or to her bed side as she laid on the right end of her king sized bed.

"I am so happy that the royal advisor reached out to you, you did a very good job taking care of me" the queen said as she stretched her arms for the brew I placed on the tray.

" I am honored to serve Anyone, it is what I'm trained for....and I'm delighted to have serve you your highness, your condition has improved quite greatly" I say as I sat by the bed waiting for her to finish the herb.

"You know (drinks tea)....we've never really talked much for the past two months.....and I didn't really get to know you, we could have shared stories you know"

"Your highness, you couldn't even say a word due to your state in the previous months and I was only called to tend to you and that I have done" I said as I took the empty cup and placed it on the bed side table and sat back at the side of the bed facing her.

"Well, I'm feeling better and that was my last brew,.... so tell me, what's a young lady like you doing and a renounced physician at that. What's your story?"

The queen placed her hand on top of mine eager to hear my story.

I was shocked at her act and looed at her surprised.

"Come on, I want to hear it, I'm all ears" the queen says with the biggest smile.--

"why did you become a physician"

"Well.... I had a thing for taking care of thing and I enjoy the times knowing they'll get better under my care"

I paused for a second before I continued

"I once had a cat, I call her plum.....it got sick and I took care of her and when she got better, I was so happy and I just believe that was the beginning, ...my mother and I worked hard to ensure I get admitted into the best physician school and as if it was the lord's doing I landed a scholarship and I'm here, a renouned physician."

The queen looked at Elara as she spoke softly talking about how she built her self up to this point..

"That's a lovely story my dear, mind I ask, where is your mother?"

My expression changed from a smile on to a sad one.

"She passed away....due to an illness" elara says

"Oh my..... I'm sorry about that" the queen says regretting the words that came out of her mouth

"It's alright, I'm ok"

"Mind if I ask, what happened?"

"She was sick for a while and her working conditions only added to the worsening of her health, I had to leave school to tend to her, but when I got there , she insisted I go back cause at the time I was about to graduate, I didn't want to but I did. I only stayed with her for a week before going back, and when I arrived back two weeks later, she had passed away." I said as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Oh dear, you've been through a lot"

the queen caressed my cheek as she strokes the tears and tried calming down.

"What about your dad?"

"They were separated before the time I got the scholarship... My dad took my younger sister with him and I've never heard from tem since then"

"And how long has it been since your mother death?" The queen says

" Two months to be exact"

At that the queen realized the gravity of the situation, she was at a loss for words .

"To think immediately your mother died and the next thing you did was tend to me.... I admire the bravery and the strength you carry, your mother would have been so proud, once again i am very sorry you went through all of this" the queen says as she placed both her hands on my side.

The queen admired the strength Elara carried as she kept going during her hard times and it even reminded her of an old friend

" I will always support you" the queen says rubbing both her palms on Elara's shoulders.

"Thank you your highness"

"Call me Rose"

I was uncomfortable and didn't feel the need to call the queen by her name all due to a simple story as we are not that close, but I do admit, the times I have taken care of her made me sad thinking I would have saved my mom.

At this point at least I've saved someone's mother.

My attention later went back to the queen as she spoke.

"I'm being serious, call me Rose"

" But you're an elder your highness,I should atlest add your title to show my respect" I said, then she cuts me off.

"Nonsense, I consider you my friend as of now and I believe we should call each other by our name, but if you don't like it you can call me by my name when we're alone"

"Ok your highne....I mean rose"

I just decided to go with it seems she doesn't feel like she'll let me go if I don't.

"Mind if I know the name of the physician whose been taking care of me for the past two months"

"Oh Elara, my name is Elara." I said with a soft smile.

"Elara...." Rose repeated with a smile before continuing. " My friend has a pretty name, oh it suits you so nicely....Elara the physician, my royal physician."

I was shocked at first to what she said.

I wasn't granted the name royal to my title as a physician as I wanted to care for all but I didn't say anything and just smile as I let her say whatever she wants, and for some reason I liked it, it was as if I was receiving motherly love once again after months.

I really miss my mother and I know she's very proud of me, and I'm sure rose is just doing this to make me feel better or Maybe because she's lonely.

Rose has been isolated at her chamber for the past two months as I nursed her to health, her husband and son had gone for a retreat weeks before she got sick, I think the palace was lonely without them and she couldn't talk to anyone nor trust cause of the political issue concerning her husband and son's retreat. The kingdom doesn't even know when they'll be back so all this could explain the palace behavior, if the royal advisor hadn't reached out to me, who knows what would have happened to her, the kingdom would have lost its queen.

At this point I am glad we are getting along and I hope our bond grows.

"So..." Rose was about to speak but the doors to the room pulled open as the royal advisor Bridgette walk in.

She walked in with poise but her expression was in a shocked state as if she had news

"My queen" Bridgette said as she curtsey and spoke.

"The prince has arrived from his retreat....."