Chapter 49: Paul vs. Gardenia (Part 2)

"Your Vulpix did well, but earning the badge won't be that easy." Gardenia smiled slightly as she tossed her second Poké Ball.

"Go, Turtwig!"


A spirited Turtwig appeared on the battlefield, its gazed was calm as it faced Vulpix.

"Turtwig, use Magical Leaf!"

This time, Gardenia acted first.


Golden glowing leaves materialized around Turtwig, spinning in a mesmerizing pattern before shooting toward Vulpix.


The sunny weather amplified the power of Vulpix's Flamethrower, easily incinerating the Magical Leaf attack and continuing toward Turtwig.

Turtwig stood still, its innocent demeanor almost childlike as the flames approached.


At Gardenia's command, Turtwig vanished from its position in an instant, reappearing safely out of Flamethrower's range. It looked back at Vulpix with curious eyes.

"That speed… incredible!"

Paul immediately recognized this Turtwig—it was the same one that had battled Ash's Turtwig in the anime, as well as the one that faced Lucas earlier.

This Turtwig's speed was extraordinary, surpassing even the Chlorophyll-boosted Tangrowth from earlier.

If it focused on hit-and-run tactics without direct confrontation, few Pokémon of the same level could match it.

Lucas' victory earlier over Turtwig had relied on Magmar's wide-range Smokescreen.


At Paul's command, Vulpix's eyes glowed blue, attempting to seize control of Turtwig.

"Pointless—dodge, then Tackle!" Gardenia said confidently.

Before the Extrasensory could take effect, Turtwig disappeared again, charging at Vulpix with lightning speed.

"Quick Attack!"

Although Vulpix hadn't yet learned Solar Beam, it had mastered Quick Attack from training with Elekid.

Using Extrasensory to enhance its movement, Vulpix swiftly dodged Turtwig's Tackle, avoiding the attack entirely.


"Leech Seed."

Turtwig bowed its head slightly, launching a seed from its sprout. The seed landed on Vulpix, sprouting vines that wrapped tightly around it.

The vines drained Vulpix's energy and restricted its movements.

"Burn it off!"

At Paul's command, Vulpix unleashed flames on itself, burning away the Leech Seed.

But before it could recover, Turtwig struck with a powerful Tackle, sending Vulpix flying into a tree, causing additional damage.

"Razor Leaf!"

Following up, Turtwig swung its head, launching sharp leaves toward Vulpix.


The leaves hit their mark, and Vulpix collapsed. Turtwig had claimed another victory.

"Vulpix is unable to battle. Turtwig wins!" the referee announced.

"Not enough stamina or strength. More training is needed."

Paul returned Vulpix to its Poké Ball, speaking softly to it before tossing out another.

"Ursaring, prepare for battle."


Ursaring's massive form landed on the battlefield with a deafening roar.


Even Turtwig, normally composed, instinctively took a step back at the sight of such an intimidating opponent.

"That's one huge Ursaring…"

Gardenia, the referee, and even Lucas in the stands were taken aback.

"Fire Punch!"

Paul wasted no time, commanding Ursaring to attack.


Ursaring charged forward, flames igniting around its fist as it prepared to strike.

"Razor Leaf!"

Gardenia tried to stop Ursaring's advance.

Turtwig quickly launched sharp leaves, but Ursaring plowed through them with fiery punches, reducing the leaves to ashes.

In a flash, Ursaring was upon Turtwig its massive flaming fist descending.


Turtwig narrowly avoided the attack, displaying its incredible agility once again.


The Fire Punch struck the ground, leaving a smoldering crater.

"Aura Sphere!"

Ursaring swiftly gathered energy in its paws, locking onto Turtwig's position before hurling the sphere.


Turtwig reacted quickly, but the Aura Sphere exploded nearby, sending it flying.

"Fire Punch!"

Paul seized the opportunity, commanding Ursaring to finish the battle.

Hearing its trainer's call, Turtwig summoned its remaining strength.

"Leaf Storm!"

Surrounded by swirling leaves, Turtwig unleashed a powerful storm toward Ursaring.

"Break through it!"

Fueled by Paul's determination, Ursaring's flames intensified, engulfing its entire body as it charged through the Leaf Storm.

Emerging unscathed, Ursaring landed a devastating Fire Punch on Turtwig.

The attack was super effective.


Turtwig was launched like a cannonball, crashing through one tree before stopping against another. Its charred body lay motionless, fainted.

"Turtwig is unable to battle. Ursaring wins!" the referee declared.

"Return, Turtwig. You did well." Gardenia said, recalling her Pokémon.

In the stands, Lucas and Barry were stunned.

"Why is Ursaring's Fire Punch so powerful? It felt like it rivaled my Magmar's full-force attack." Lucas remarked in shock.

"This is unfair… How did it get so strong so quickly?" Barry muttered, frustrated.

Paul, meanwhile, observed his Ursaring with satisfaction, knowing it was one step closer to mastering its fiery potential.


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